Cathedral of San Cettia Photo: Cathedral of San Cettia

Cathedral of San Cetto is the main Church of Pescara, located in via D'annunzio. The Cathedral is dedicated to the great Martyr the Holy Cetto, patron of the city and its Bishop. Since 1982, he has been a Department of the diocese of Pescara-Penne. The present building of the Cathedral in neo-Romanesque style, originally called the Church of Reconciliation was built in the 1930s, on the site of the medieval Church of San Cette.

The construction of the new Cathedral took place during the time of the construction boom caused by the creation in 1927, the year the United Pescara province. By that time, the medieval Church of San Cettia went into decline, and it was decided to demolish it. Preserved only some fragments of the building. For beginning construction of the new Cathedral was active Gabriele d'annunzio, a native of Pescara and one of the most outstanding poets of Italy. He was baptized in the old Church. And he generously funded the construction of a new, because he wanted to lay his mother. Construction work, which lasted from 1933 to 1938 years, was led by the architect Cesare Bazzani. The façade of the Cathedral was rebuilt after the Second Mirovaya.

Originally the Church was called the Church of Reconciliation – Tempio della Conciliazione, which is traditionally associated with prisoners in 1929, the year of the Lateran agreements between the fascist government of Italy and the Vatican. And in 1949, the year the Church was declared a Cathedral.

Although the building is modern, it is clearly seen the influence of the architectural traditions of Abruzzo, primarily Romanesque style. Partly it also repeats the image of the Church of Santa Gerusalemme 11th century. Typical is simply a rectangular facade, decorated with round window-Jack - that was the choice of the architect and D'annunzio. The round arched portals reflect the internal division of the Church into three chapels. On the North side adjoins the Cathedral and the bell tower, consisting of an octagonal upper floor, resting on a square base. And on the South side built a small baptistery.

Inside the Cathedral, as mentioned above, consists of three aisles, separated from each other arcades with marble columns. Choruses end up in the apse. In one of the chapels of the Cathedral is the chapel of San Cetto and the other mother's grave D'annunzio, Luisa de Benedictis, for which the sculptor Arrigo Minerbi created a tombstone in the form of an arch with the reclining figure of a young woman. The interior of the Cathedral is decorated with various icons and images of saints from the 17th century. Particularly noteworthy is the organ, considered one of the best in Abruzzo.

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