Estate Chern Photo: Estate Of Chern

In the XVI century brothers Khvostova and Alexander Nashchyokin owned land near-Boug parish Gdov uyezd. In the middle of XVII century on the banks of the river Plyussa Tail began construction of the estate in the Dark. But in the early eighteenth century General majora Olga Gillan von Gambit becomes the new owner of the estate. From it in 1750 lands passed to the Duke Nikolai Ivanovich saltykhov, who was at that time 14 years.

Saltykov, Nikolai Ivanovich was a descendant of Catherine nobles. In 1814 Alexander I, he was awarded the princely dignity. Nikolai Ivanovich paid great attention to the improvement chernevsky of the estate and the expansion of the estate. He decided to build a match factory. To do this, there were good conditions: favorable economic and geographical position, nearest railway Pskov-Gdov, rich forest area. Matchbox enterprise "the Sphinx was built, and the estate Chern turned into a large and a estate.

The estate was divided into 3 zones: industrial, commercial and aristocratic mansion to the Palace, a beautiful Park and other buildings. The layout of the estate is confirmed by the description which was written in 1918. The document was identified as 70 outbuildings.

The main place in the manor was occupied by the Prince's Palace. He was 4-chatanim, consisted of 36 rooms and had a 3 door. In addition to the Palace in the manor ensemble was composed of the following buildings: 2-whatany the superintendent's house, consisting of 7 rooms, 2-whatany Forester's house, with 6 rooms, gardener's house (5 rooms), servant's house (9 rooms), houses for the workers, stone Conservatory, office, post office, Vodogray, animal farm (150 cows), pigsty (100 pigs), stable (37 horses), 2 glacier, Riga, barns, sheds for storage of agricultural implements, bath, smithy. In the estate laborers worked 20. In addition, when the estate was laid out garden-nursery, which grew about 800 Apple trees, 600 berry bushes, and was built 11 greenhouses. It produced the initial processing of dairy products and fruit-fruit raw materials.

The decoration of the estate Chern was beautifully landscaped Park with an area of 420,000 sq. m. It was located on the left Bank of the river Plyussa. Ancient trees and flowering shrubs of the Park gave way to green meadows, United fanciful scheme tracks. Central Park Avenue led from the Palace to the factory.

Match factory was located at some distance from the HOMESTEAD and agricultural lands. Factory and sawmill were surrounded by 3 houses for workers (12 rooms each, bath, and prison construction. The main buildings of the estate were separated from industrial and agricultural areas of the estate.

In 1816 Saltykov Nikolai Ivanovich did not. And the estate was passed on from generation to generation. In 1903 the estate was passed to the grandson (also a Prince) Prince Ivan Nikolaevich Saltykov. After the October revolution of 1917, the last owner of the estate Chern left the country. After 1917 the estate was plundered, in 1922 there was a fire, suffered a Palace, and its remaining parts were dismantled by peasants on the bricks for stoves in houses. The barn and 1st floor of the former house Manager miraculously survived.

Currently from the old manor remained only the Park, consisting of oak and pine groves, and avenues of lime, spruce, birch, oak. In the Park you can meet and ornamental shrubs: mountain ash, spirea loosestrife, caragana shrub, honeysuckle common, yellow acacia. In addition, there are rare Pskov region tree species: balsam poplar, European larch, Siberian pine (cedar). The Northern area of the Park violated a modern vacation home.

The oldest manor Park was awarded the status of a monument of landscape art.

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