Park Of Posets-Maladeta Nature Reserve Photo: Park Of Posets-Maladeta Nature Reserve

Unique natural Park of Posets-maladeta nature reserve is located in North-Eastern Spain, in the territory of the Aragonese Pyrenees, near the Spanish-French border. The Park covers an area of 33 440, 60 hectares and includes the highest peaks of the Iberian massif peak Aneto (3,404 m), the peak Posets (3375 m), the peak of the Punta astorg (3355 m) and peak Maladeta (3308 m).

Pyrenees mountains undoubtedly are a priceless treasure of Spain, and the Park of Posets-Maladeta shows us their beauty and grandeur. In the Park there are challenging mountain routes for climbers, and simple trails for Hiking, and even track where you can drive a car, enjoying spectacular views of the surrounding nature. The Park is located 13 glaciers, more than 95 glacial lakes and the many magnificent waterfalls. It also presents a rich world of flora and fauna, characteristic of the highlands. Many plants and animals preserved in the territory of Posets-maladeta nature reserve, are rare or endangered species.

Park of Posets-maladeta nature reserve annually receives a huge number of tourists, attracting them endless possibilities in both the winter and summer holidays. The clean mountain air helps to escape from the bustle and amazing landscapes fascinate even the most experienced traveler. Cliffs alternate with lush meadows and beautiful conifer forests.

In 1994, the Park of Posets-maladeta nature reserve was declared a protected area, and in 1998 the Park was awarded the title of national.

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Park Of Posets-Maladeta Nature Reserve
The Church of Santuario de Torreciudad
Mount Aneto