The Church of St. Nicholas in Kachanova Photo: Church of St. Nicholas in Kachanova

More than 300 years ago was founded the village of Kachanova. It is believed that the village almost all the time was in a state of war, due to the fact that the borders with the middle state is constantly postponed, and the locals had to defend the interests of their own country. Village and is now the border is just 12 kilometers from Kachanova to Latvia. From time to time and changed the name of the village: name of Kachanova, and Pokrovskoe, and Kachanov Sloboda. The village is located near the lake and surrounded by forests. In the centre of the village stands the Church of St. Nicholas. The Church is built on a small hill. Visible from afar dome sky-blue color, miles heard them ringing. Extraordinarily beautiful temple in the spring, when the dome, as if drowning in lace of the branches of a tall lip. The Church is located on the territory of the ancient churchyard. Buried at this cemetery former parish priests.

The present Church of stone was built on the site of an older wooden. According to a local legend, a wooden Church was built by the landowners Radoszewski: Stephen and Anna, who were then buried in the churchyard at the Church. From the inventory of the registers of St, it follows that the Church in the churchyard Kachanov settlement was converted in 1790, thanks to the efforts of Bekleshev Alexandra, landowner from the village of Pokrovskoye, invaluable assistance was provided and parishioners. The host of the new stone Church of Alexander Bekleshev died in November 1809, it was buried in a Church fence. Now her burial place is quite difficult to define, despite the efforts of parishioners all graves are well maintained and kept in order.

The new temple is built of brick and plate, sufficiently lit and quite spacious. Inside the temple is divided into two halves. Here there are two altars: the main part of the throne in the name of Nicholas, and in side – in the name of archdeacon Stephen.

In the temple there are many icons of ancient paintings that were migrated from the former Church. One of the main relics of the Church altar cross. He was brought by the son of the landowner Bekasovo from Jerusalem. The Arab cross was bought from dealers, when it was brought up to worship at the Church of the Holy sepulchre, and then brought to the kachanivska Church. Another equally valuable relic – the icon "joy of All who sorrow". Not so long ago was celebrated a century, however, how old is the icon actually no one knows information about its origin there, we only know that in 1908 it was donated to St. Nicholas Church in Kachanova. Especially most revered icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

In December 1865, when the Church was opened Kachanivska rural school. Opened his father Pavel Dubrovsky, who taught children to read. Wishing to study the diploma was not so little. In 1910 at school 28 girls and 64 boy. The Church was led by considerable educational and educational work among the population. Deacon and painter Fedor Konstantinov decorated inside and outside the Church original painting. Unfortunately, external painting now barely visible.

In 120 metres from the temple in the pines is another cemetery. It planted coniferous and deciduous trees and is fenced with stone fence. In the middle of the cemetery stood a four-pointed cross with the picture of the eight-pointed cross and the inscription "Loins". There is an assumption that there is a cross in memory of those killed and buried here the soldiers during the invasion of the Livonians in the 16th century.

The Church is in need of restoration. The services are conducted only in one part of the Church, the main altar of Saint Nicholas in need of repair.

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