The Church of the Annunciation Nikandrova desert Photo: Church of the Annunciation Nikandrova desert

Cathedral Church of the Annunciation is built directly over the tomb of the monk of St. nicander, who was first Abbot Nikandrova desert. The Church was built upon the efforts of the Abbot Isaiah with the blessing of the Metropolitan of Novgorod Alexander in the late 16th century.

In 1673 the Church and other monastic buildings were burned, and the place of the previously existing Church was erected the new Church of the Annunciation, just from a stone. In 1807, when Abbot-Archimandrite Samuel Church has expanded considerably, with the following additions: the porch and the altar, two chapels: the first was consecrated in the name of the monk Nikandr and the other in the name of the two Holy Apostles Peter and Paul; above the porch was built a chamber for storing sacred monastery sacristy.

In the sacristy of the Church of the Annunciation Church in their time were the most diverse and numerous items, which primarily include mnogokratnyi garments and outfits of crimson velvet, all of which were donated by the Emperor Paul Petrovich. In addition, in the sacristy was stored a large variety of utensils and other vestments, which include the priestly vestments in the amount of 125 pieces, mostly made of precious brocade, 94 abitrarily, 80 podroznik, 7 most valuable of the skin, intended for the tomb of the monk Nikandr, 11 made from silver altar crosses, decorated with gold leaf, 18 small and large altar Gospels, of which the largest number was stored under solid gold with a silver frame and a huge number of silver dishes, carved oil lamps, and many other precious objects and things. An important characteristic feature and attraction of the monastery at the time was the gospel that was printed in the winter of December 7, 1698, weighing 1 pounds and 15 pounds. On one of the walls of the sacristy hanging engraved on a spacious, made of brass plaque portrait of Nikolai Sheremetev Petrovich, who gave 33 thousand rubles for development of a silver reliquary of the monk Nikandr.

Important and revered Shrine of the Church of the monastery became Holy relics of the monk Nikandr, who were put under the bushel in the South wall of the Annunciation Church in the time of their examination, namely in 1687. Stamped, made of silver with enameled edges cancer located directly over the grave of the monk Nikandr, was built in 1792 during vigorous activity Sheremetev. Some of the relics were deposited in a special silver and gold plated, and made in the form of a tomb chest, which was transferred to the throne of the Church, which was the process of worship. All traces of crayfish lost.

In the Church of the Annunciation was ancient and especially venerated image of St. nicander in silver and gilded by fire Rize, which was the example hammered that weighed 19 pounds, and a pair of Kyoto, in which were placed the Holy crosses and icons with particles of the Lord's Holy Robe, the Holy cross of the Lord, the belt and the Robe of the blessed virgin Mary and of relics of various Saints of God in the amount of 130 pieces. This kind of shrines disappeared after the monastery was closed in 1928.

Cathedral Church of the Annunciation was fully converted into a pile of unnecessary debris. During the 1960s, these ruins, above the place where the cancer was located, the monk, had found its place in the symbolic tomb of St. nicander, which was arranged by the worshipers of God. In 2001-2007 were carried out concerning the debris. In a solemn ceremony in 2007, the Metropolitan of Pskov and Velikoluksky Eusebius, and the Abbot Spyridon – governors of the desert – was laid the first cornerstone in the Foundation of the new Cathedral. October 7, 2011 was held the first Church service that coincided with the day of memory of the monk Nikandr.

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