The Church of the Intercession in the village of Jabari Photo: Church of the Intercession in the village of Jabari

When entering the village called Jabari on the plain, which is surrounded by forest, is the Church of the Intercession of the virgin. Around the Church there is a cemetery surrounded by a stone fence. Near the village flows the river Ouse. Beside the Church is a family tomb of the founder of this Church. The Church was erected in 1792, Fyodor Lavrov, the leader porkhovskogo County nobility. In October 1794 the Church was consecrated.

The construction style is early classicism. In the lower part of the building is rectangular, East-West elongated, upper – cross, finished with a decorative drum having eight faces.

The internal volume is divided into separate spaces. In the walls on the North and South sides have Windows in two lights, placed in a vertical niches with the ridges in the form of arches. In the wall on the West side is an arched doorway that leads into the porch, niche and arched doorway on each side, from the South and North of the vestibule are two tents. The tent and the vestibule were covered with torispherical vaults with strikings placed over the doorways. In the wall of the main volume on the East side is a high arched doorway that leads into the sanctuary room. The main part of the sanctuary of the room covered with groin vault, resting on transverse arches, of which there are four. In the South wall is a pair of window openings in the Northern window and door.

The Central part of the Northern and southern facades are decorated with horizontal rustication, the second luminous layer profiled thrust, entablature with pediment crown. Frames processed by the Windows of the first layer, the openings of the second tier center – semicircular, lateral openings are rectangular in shape. All Windows have profiled frames.

In the Central apse is a decorative drum topped with chief and cross. Entablement with an octagonal dome, drum and shaped the head ends a decorative octagon Windows with false. Horizontal rustication decorated the facades of the porch, the window is decorated with profiled trim.

The facade of the first tier on the West side of the bell tower is on the sides paired pilasters, entablature and pediment, the next tier having four arched doorways intended for ringing, covered with iron. Octagonal domed roof of the bell tower completed an octagonal drum with a metal cross.

In the Church saved the interior relating to the XIX century, but in the iconostasis, which in 1836 was resumed, there are still some icons, Dating back to XVIII century. This is a very time-blackened icons of the festal cycle: "Baptism", "the Annunciation", "the Dormition of our lady", "Purification", "in the temple". Attracts attention and professionally executed gilded carving of the iconostasis, made in high relief, and carved twin heads of the angels over the South and North doors. In the altar there is a small carved statue of the Nile Slovenskega, the height of which is only ten centimeters, and written in the EIGHTEENTH century the icon of the Dormition of the virgin.

Cast in 1747, on the orders of Ivan Chirkin, a merchant from St. Petersburg a large bell is in the bell tower. This bell is decorated with a moulded pattern of the curled stem of acanthus.

In 1836 the Church was thoroughly renovated. Upgrading to a greater extent affected the internal decoration. In the difficult war years, the Church was active and served as protection for the local population. The service was conducted by father Michael. All the houses in the village were burned by the Germans, but the Church remained intact.

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