National Park - Cabrits Photo: national Park - Cabrits

Cape Cabrits (Cabrits) is located between Prince Rupert Bay in the South and the Gulf of Douglas in the North. In Spanish, Cabrits means "goat", which was used as fresh meat for the sailors, stopping in Prince Rupert Bay. Two hills-twin called the "Western Cabret" and "Eastern Cabret".

National Park Cabrits is located on a Peninsula North of Portsmouth and includes both terrestrial and marine flora and fauna. This Park was established in 1986 and is known primarily as the grounds of Fort Shirley (Shirley) – the numerous British garrison in the 18th century, the time of the Anglo-French war, which once placed 600 soldiers. Some of the stone ruins of the Fort have been partially restored in recent years, some are in the jungle and partially hidden by plants and trees.

Fort Shirley was the headquarters and main defence post of the British army garrison. Its construction began under the direction of Thomas Shirley, Governor of the Republic of Dominica (1774-1776), in whose honour the Fort got its name. Last time it was used as a Fort in 1854. Now in the thickets of the forest you can see the old gun, overgrown roots remnants of old ammunition stores. With the Fort offers wonderful views of the coast, and it is on this side of the island are sandy beaches.

Close to river, Indian River, where was filmed the famous movie "pirates of the Caribbean 2, 3". Everywhere you can see different species of herons, and river are found many species of fish. The Park has a large area of about 1, 3 acres. If in the Western part of the island grow mostly trees with small foliage and cacti, we can see here already absolutely other trees with soft, broad leaves, because upstairs there is much more rain. In the Park you can see the plantations of banana, papaya, coffee, mango.

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