The memorial Novosokolniki Photo: a memorial to Novosokolniki

The spring 9 may 2005 in the city of Novosokolniki, which is located in the Pskov region, took place the solemn opening of the so-called "Memorial to the memory of Novosokolniki who sacrificed their lives for independence of their Motherland". This monument is a large wall, painted white, and the Central part is made of red brick that matches this color to the Kremlin wall. Such a plot, called "Kremlin wall" according to the authors rather actively symbolizes the heroic feat of protection, which was valiantly manifested in the difficult time of defending the homeland. Directly in front of the monument is made of granite monument, on which there is an image of the red star, from the Central part of which flashes of fire flames of Eternal fire. On a white wall, there are four shields, on which details of all those killed and missing people during the great Patriotic war.

The first shield is the inscription that was erected a monument was built to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the long-awaited Victory in the great Patriotic war that had just 2005. On other boards there is information about that in Novosokolnik area in 1941 the population was approximately 64 thousand people, given that in the city Novosokolniki at that time lived 10 thousand. During the war on the battle front were killed over three thousand residents of the area, underground claimed the lives of 134 persons, in the partisan ranks – 492, the Germans were shot 545 innocent residents and 3250 people just missing.

During the occupation the German fascists Novosokolnik district was destroyed about 150 farms, burned 179 villages completely destroyed 107 schools destroyed more than 85 km of Railways, and about 70% of all residential buildings in the region. In addition, the boards are written the names of several prominent Heroes of the Soviet Union, and two gentlemen, has been awarded the order of Glory.

In the future on the famous Monument is planned to place on several information boards on which are written the names of all deceased residents Novosokolnik district during the great Patriotic war and military actions in Chechnya and Afghanistan. In total, over the period of the continuation war in Novosokolnik district were killed and went missing more than seven thousand people.

The idea relating to the erection of a monument belongs to the veterans of the great Patriotic war, which was supported by the local administration. The author of the project on the construction of the Monument was earlier working in the Pskov region chief architect Vladimir Bessonov.

The first Foundation stone for this important commemorative structures in the city Novosokolniki was held in 1997, and then conducted a long and painstaking work that is directly related to its creation. The installation of the monument was made on the funds of the district administration and residents of Novosokolniki. The long-awaited opening ceremony of the Monument was attended by Mikhail Kuznetsov, which at that time Governor of the Pskov region.

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