The Settlement VREF Photo: The Ancient City Of VREF

Brew is a very ancient settlement, located on the territory of the Pskov region, which is located between the village of Pushkin Mountains and city Island. The main attraction of the Fort is a hill, where in medieval times has been a sort of fortress. In those days the settlement belonged to the Pskov suburb, and it was the monasteries and temples. Over time Brew became a district center, and then turned into the churchyard; during the 20th century, Brew became the village. Today in the castle there is not a single inhabitant, but by the end of 1990-ies there life was still in full swing. In this town was attended by people from neighboring villages, because there were shops, school, village hall.

The greatest part of the space in the settlement is, as in ancient times, the cemetery, which is seen even at the entrance to the village, and stands on a long ridge that runs along the main road. Cemetery – especially ancient, although ancient tombs almost all were destroyed beyond identification. On this site you can find ancient stone crosses. Besides on the territory of location of the settlement and there is existing cemetery, which is especially remarkable burial. For example, in a small area of the cemetery, on the left side of the road, there is a burial of the Maria clairvoyant Rezinkoi or "Russian Vanga", of the gift still is legendary. Same here buried near Vlas and Stepanov, who was reputed to be an experienced beekeeper, whose grave closes a huge stone slab.

On the site of the settlement is and noble necropolis, containing the graves of members of the Caucasian battle major-General Vrevskaya Hippolyte Alexandrovich, and the Governor-General in Turkestan region – Vrevskaya Alexander Borisovich. Not far from these places is the tomb of his mother – Vrevskaya Eupraxia Nikolaevna, who was a good friend of Pushkin is Considered that the image Eupraxia Nikolaevna wrote the character of Tatyana Larina from his novel "Eugene Onegin".

The only mention of the settlement in Pskov Chronicles appears in the period when there was a siege Brava in 1426 by the army of Vytautas, who was the greatest Lithuanian Prince.

Chronicle books, Dating from 1585-1587 years, tell us about a sharp reduction in the number of taxpaying households, located on the facade of the settlement. In the third book, devoted pictowin Chronicles, the settlement is designated completely empty. To this period of time remained the only visible traces of the earlier monasteries located here - Pokrovsky women's and men's Elias. We can say that until the 18th century, Vrev was the center of all Vrevskaya district in the Pskov province, and after it was abolished County, was churchyard Macovski parish when you take the province.

Some previously owned Vrevskaya County lands, was granted by the Russian Emperor Paul I, Prince Kurakin. By 1810, Kurakin was erected in the site of the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. This temple was made of a single altar and built in the Gothic style. Besides, the Church was supplied richly executed by the vestry, and a variety of precious utensils. The consecration of the Cathedral of Peter and Paul took place the following year in February month. The Church stood in the Fort a little longer – just after the death of the Prince started to happen constant destruction, and in 1828 temple arch completely collapsed.

Not far from the Fort, Vrev are such estates as: Alexandrovo, Golubov, Mikhaleva. All these estates were once United as a certain fact that in a certain period of time their owners were representatives of one of the noble families – barons Vrevskaya. These farmsteads were completely looted, and then burned during the revolution of 1917.

At the moment the settlement is part of the memorial State natural landscape and historical and literary Museum-reserve of A. S. Pushkin called "Mikhailovskoye".

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