Children's art gallery Photo: Children's art gallery

Children's art gallery in Rostov-on-don is located in the centre of the city on Avenue of Chekhov and is a branch of the Regional Museum of fine arts. The gallery has existed for over thirty years and has truly become a favorite object of visiting the residents with children and guests of Rostov.

The gallery is Russia's first children's art gallery, its history began in late 1981. By that time in the capital of the don region existed Rostov regional Museum of fine arts with an excellent collection of graphic works, sculpture, painting, decorative arts of Western Europe, East and modern Russia. The idea of opening a new section or branch came to local management following a visit to Yerevan, where they were then shown the first in the USSR and in the world the Museum of children's art. Rich in talent Rostov in the same year, solved the problem of building and hosting a Children's art gallery. To create a branch of the regional Museum has allocated a building in the historic part of the city, built for the Rostov merchant I.Tartakower in 1908. In post-revolutionary and post-war period, the building was reconstructed several times, it was the headquarters of various agencies, and to the 80-th years of the last century it belonged to the North Caucasus military district. Incidentally, in this house lived the commander of the North Caucasus Federal district twice Hero of the Soviet Union General And.. Pliev, what does the plaque on the building.

Being in structure of the regional Museum of fine arts, Rostov children's gallery has become a center of formation of creative abilities of young talents. In addition to academic work on the development of artistic abilities of youth gallery spends most education and advocacy, is the organizer and inspirer of many art competitions and exhibitions for young people. Today the gallery holds about 3,000 works of drawing, painting, decorative arts. The gallery helps to preserve the artistic heritage of the don people.

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