Church of St. Nicholas on Poozerie Photo: Church of St. Nicholas on Poozerie

The Church of St. Nicholas on Poozerie built on the site of the previously existing old wooden Church at the end of 1745 on cash parishioners, this circumstance gave a new stage in the stone construction of the city of Rostov after a long ban. It is known that in 1744, Peter the Great issued a decree forbidding stone building outside of St. Petersburg. At this place for many years there was a wooden Church, the first of which was built before Han Adiga attacked Russian lands.

The Church of St. Nicholas was built of stone, has one head, two chairs, one of which was consecrated to St. Nicholas, and the second in honor of the icon of our lady "joy of All who sorrow", which is especially venerated together with the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Thanks to the extant Chronicles the history of the Church in the details reached our time – so we know a lot not only about construction but also about the repair and restoration works carried out in the temple.

At the end of 1744, one of the priests had a wooden Church named Peter Andreev and Grigory Nikitin – deacon, together with the parish people decided to go to Yaroslavl and Rostov Metropolitan Arseny with a request for permission to build in place of the wooden Church of stone in honor of St. Nicholas. It was assumed that the temple will be a chapel consecrated in honor of the blessed virgin; old wooden Church wanted to give the peasants from the villages Sugary relating to the Rostov district. The consecration of the new Church occurred in 1751; the process of sanctification held by the Metropolitan Arseny.

The temple is built of brick, while the roof was made of wood. Iconostasis of the Church is very beautiful, gilded and carved forms, executed in the Baroque style. Currently, there is an inventory relating to 1853 and narrating the events of that time: the sanctuary, the iconostasis of St. Nicholas Church was built according to the traditions of Baroque fashion, namely in fine taste. It was put up on pedestals, which were divided into several tiers, feature cornices with caraway and openwork carving. The surface of the gilded iconostasis with the help of pure gold. In addition, the iconostasis approved equal with the altar of a small hill at the retaining wall.

Originally in the stone temple was not a single painting, but after some time had spent a lot of time and labor to make the paintings according to specified topics.

Over time in the interior of St. Nicholas Church, there have been many changes, of which the information is available. For example, in 1768 dilapidated wooden roof was replaced by a roof made of tin-plated iron, it has survived to the present time. We also know that the old roof was replaced solely on the money of the parishioners.

At the end of 1832 to St. Nicholas Church was built a new porch. Three years later, was promoted large-scale inventory of all Church property, and is mentioned here and completely new iconostasis. At the end of 1845 around the temple was built a high wooden fence. In 1853 was again decorated with wall paintings.

In 1853 was held of the new inventory, which stated that the appointed temple in the name of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is cold; it has a warm chapel consecrated in the name of the blessed virgin Mary – joy of All who sorrow. A split took place in the sanctuary, the temple itself, the porch and the refectory room. The Church is a one – storey, the roof is made using sheet iron and painted with copper paint. On the top there is a large cross, made of iron and coated with pure gold on golfable. On the top there is an Apple, attached to the Chapter through the iron chain. In the refectory room – roof covering sheet and painted verdigris. Outside of the temple walls are whitewashed with the help of lime, but without plaster.

In 1920, the Church Nicola was closed. In the 1930-ies figured out the head and the bell tower, lost the fence and the interior. Today, the Church is valid.

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