Petrovsky monastery Photo: Peter's monastery

Petrovsky monastery is located on the shores of lake Nero. It was founded in 13 in. the Prince of the Horde, in St. Peter, just at the place where he miraculously appeared to the apostles Peter and Paul. The Prince arrived to Rostov from the Horde along with the Bishop of Rostov Cyril. Last, when I was Berke Khan, the uncle of the Prince, told him about the Christian faith and of the miracles performed Leonty of Rostov. The Prince in secret from their relatives left the Horde and decided to accept Christianity. He caught up with Cyril and persuaded to take him with me. Upon arriving in Utah, he lived with the Bishop, went to Church services and tried to get acquainted with Orthodoxy, and when he heard about the death of Berke Khan, was baptized, taking the name Peter. Once on the lake during the falconry Prince did not have time to return home, and he had to stay out all night. Now and then he appeared to two saints, who told him that on this spot a temple in their honour. After that they gave the Prince two bags with silver and gold − and disappeared. On the same night had a vision and in the writings of St. Ignatius, the new Bishop of Rostov, he also appeared to the apostles with the command to put the temple.

Soon a new Church was built on the lake shore. Peter lived to a ripe old age in Rostov and left a numerous posterity (his descendants for several centuries lived in Rostov under the name Cirikovic), at the end of his earthly journey he took monastic vows.

With the base of the Petrovsky monastery is another legend according to which Peter, Prince of the Horde, asked the land for a monastery in Rostov Prince, and he, laughing invited the Prince as much land as he can cover the coins. Without hesitation, Peter began to put on the land coins from the sacks, which gave him the apostles: coins did not end until, until he was covered with their vast territory of the future monastery. Thus began the history of this monastery.

The monastery began to be erected after Peter died (this happened in 1290. Prince Peter began to read from the 14th century, the local celebration was established with 1547

For a long time the buildings of the monastery were made of wood. In 1682-1684, was built of stone and Paul Cathedral on the site of the old wood. It was a spacious five-domed cross-shaped Cathedral. On the front wall of the Cathedral Church was painted an image depicting the phenomenon of the Holy apostles Peter and Paul Prince. The walls of the Church cut through twelve Windows with iron bars. Adjoined the Church on the stone porch, covered with boards. Above the entrance to the Church is a colorful image of Jesus Christ.

In the temple were kept under lock and key relics of the PDP. Peter. In the Cathedral, under a carved canopy on a high pedestal was empty cancer. Cathedral Church differed a remarkable iconostasis, in which there were icons of ancient letters; special attention paid icon of St. Peter with his life, in the limit dedicated to him. Over the grave of the Prince were three belonged to him during the life of the icon: St. Nicholas, the virgin Hodegetria, the great Martyr Demetrios, characterized by excellent writing. Shrine of the Reverend Peter has done a lot of healing, as evidenced by the chronicle of the monastery. In Soviet times, the Cathedral was destroyed, its appearance today, you can only judge by the descriptions of past times.

Another stone Church, which is the refectory, built in honor of Praise of the Mother of God in 1692-1696, she remained to our time. The temple is a two storey spacious building, with a broad square primary volume and a large refectory. Once its walls were adorned with carved stone trim on the Windows, friezes and cornices, elegant arches. Today, from the decor were only some fragments.

In 1805, began the construction of the rectory building, which was completed in 1811 In 1835-1845, the monastery was surrounded by a fence with a massive quadrangular towers. Today the fence is almost nothing left, but the tower survived. In Soviet times they were used as living quarters, as the Abbot.

The monastery in 1928, was closed, the brethren was transferred to Abraham monastery. Three-tiered bell tower was destroyed, the Holy gate and fence demolished and other buildings conveyed to the needs of the inhabitants of the Petrovskaya Sloboda.

The revival of the monastery began in the late 1990s, In 1999 on the site of the destroyed Cathedral Church has established a memorial cross. And in 2000, began the transfer of the buildings of the monastery to the Orthodox community. At the entrance to the monastery is set a Board on which you can see how reviving the monastery was before.

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