Golgotha-Crucifixion skete Photo: Golgotha-Crucifixion skete

Golgotha-Crucifixion skete belongs to the Solovetsky monastery and is located on the small island of Anzer. The founder of the monastery was made by the monk job, what happened in the 18th century. According to the information of the time, near mount Calvary settled many people who lead a solitary life.

Throughout the construction of the monastery the monk job was particularly concerned about his device. Some time later, the monk appeared to the disciples and followers. Monk job worked hard, but the man was quite elderly, but still served as an example to all the brethren. The inhabitants of the monastery increasingly revered not only a spiritual experience, but also the incredible rigor of the life of his master. In 1710 the monk job was tonsured with the name Jesus.

In Golgotha-Crucifixion skete took almost everyone, telling about the life of the monk. First of all beginners should build a hut and eat only lean foods, such as soaked in water crackers, bread kvass, and on public holidays can be consumed boiled peas, cabbage, oatmeal, mushrooms and berries.

In the summer of July 15, 1713 Vaga districts and Kholmogory Archbishop Barnabas bless job with his followers for the purpose of erecting two churches, the construction of which was planned to be made of stone. The collected money is not enough for the full completion of construction, the erection of churches was postponed. Then the monk job asked for help from the Lord to build a wooden Church. Archimandrite firs received a letter from Maria Alekseevna - the Queen, sister of Peter the great, with a request for help in the matter of construction of the temple in Anzère.

Assistance was provided, and for one summer, a temple was erected. In August 1715, the consecration of a new wooden Church in the name of the crucifixion of Christ. On behalf of the Royal court in the Church had sent the richest Church utensils, books and sacred icons. For a short time hearing about rich gifts began to spread and soon the monastery was cruelly robbed by thieves: the Church property was plundered, and the monks brutally beaten up.

March 6, 1720 died the monk job, who was buried right at the entrance to the temple, and over his tomb erected a small wooden chapel. According to the Testament of job, his followers were to build a stone Church. The necessary funds were collected, but there were reasons which prevented the exercise plan – the brethren of Holy Trinity monastery was unwilling to allow increase of the status of Golgotha-crucifixion skete and began to oppress the desert; many monks left the monastery, so on the orders of the Holy Synod he was assigned to Holy Trinity skete what happened in 1723.

Chronicles have saved that precious place for hermits was not abandoned. In the early 19th century at Calvary lived Solovki ascetics: Feofan the hermit and schema-monk Zosima.

New life Golgotha-Crucifixion skete received in 1826. Archimandrite Dositheus sent a request to the Holy Synod for its restoration.
In 1828, on mount Calvary, was built of stone five-domed Church of the Crucifixion of the Lord. The consecration took place on 13 September 1830, which coincided with the eve of the feast of the exaltation of the Holy and true cross of the Lord. The Church stood on a huge boulder Foundation, and was adjacent to her refectory with the Holy chapel in honor of the assumption of the blessed virgin Mary; also near the Church stood the bell tower and cells. During the 19th century when churches were built the necessary facilities for the Hermitage: room for employees, private building, outbuildings. The previously existing wooden Church was moved to another place, and in 1835 was consecrated in the name of Christ's Resurrection. After the opening skit, the usual prayers were performed in the proper order, and the number of inhabitants did not exceed 20 people.

In 1923 the monastery was established a hospital hospital in the Solovki camp. It held all the cruel torture of prisoners. Next skit quite a long time was neglected. And only in 1967 it was transferred to the Solovetsky Museum-reserve. In 1994 at Calvary was erected Holy Memorial cross in memory of the victims of the hierarchs. Since 2001, being a major restoration of the Church of the Crucifixion of the Lord Golgotha-crucifixion skete.

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