Theatre of ballet of Boris Eifman Photo: Theatre of Boris Eifman

St. Petersburg state academic ballet theatre traces its history to 1977, when Boris Eifman has created his own company under the name "Leningrad New ballet". The concept of "New ballet" at that time was bold and innovative, because originally the theatre was created as dark as a kind of experimental laboratory under the guidance of one choreographer.

The first performances of the new theatre immediately brought him success with the public. Critics are talking about brand new trends in the Russian ballet. But despite this, followers of the traditional school in ballet art were reluctant to acknowledge the young choreographer. For a long time Boris Eifman was considered in the ballet "choreographic dissident".

In the late 70s – early 80s theater Eifman has developed his own approach to the creation of the repertoire. The theater makes a lot of ballets based on the works of the classics of world literature. Turning to classical subjects, choreographer explored new genres of ballet and ballet creates bouffe, ballet parable, ballet drama, ballet epic.

Boris Eifman has forced the viewer to not just passively admire the beauty of dance, but also emotionally empathize with the theatrical action.

For a long time ballet troupe worked without own scenes, there was not even space for rehearsals. Its rehearsal base of the troupe appeared only in 1989 because of this, a growing number of artists, appeared necessary theatrical services. Now the theatre began to produce premieres every year. At the same time, a period of triumph Eifman theatre abroad. Authoritative Western critics called Boris Eifman's theatre magician, which is the first choreographer of the 21st century, the leader among all of the choreographers.

Currently the theatre of Boris Eifman's ballet fans know art all over the world. Such performances academic theatre of ballet under the direction of Boris Eifman, "Tchaikovsky", "Red Giselle", "don Quixote or fantasies of a madman", "Anna Karenina", "the Seagull" loved and appreciated all over the world. Among his latest works are highlighted in the new version of "don Quixote, or fantasies of a madman", the ballet "Onegin".

She is the author of more than forty-five plays, Boris Eifman calls the genre in which he works, "psychological ballet". In the language of dance master openly talking with the audience about the most exhilarating and challenging sides of human existence: the meaning of life, the knowledge of the truth, about the clash of spirit and flesh.

Boris Eifman is an honored art worker of the RSFSR, people's artist of Russia, Laureate of State prize of Russia, not once was a winner of the renowned international and Russian awards, which included "the gold Mask", the Golden Sofit award "Triumph" – for outstanding contribution to the development of national culture. Various awards and prizes awarded and the work of theatre artists.

A completely new period in the life of the theatre came in 2009, when the Government of St. Petersburg adopted a decision to build a dance Academy. In addition, in the summer of 2009, summed up the competition for the design of the Palace of Boris Eifman dance".

In 2010 the theatre has achieved significant success both on Russian and international level. The ballet troupe has participated in major international festivals in France, Germany, France, toured Finland, Israel, Italy, Poland, Holland, Spain. In 2010, the creative team of Boris Eifman has received the award "Golden Soffit" in two nominations: "Best ballet for a performance of "Onegin" and "Best male role in ballet" for the role of Onegin received soloist Oleg Gabyshev.

In 2010, the theatre moved to a new rehearsal place in connection with the construction of the Academy of dance on the Petrograd side.

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