Sumy art Museum. N. The Onatsky Photo: Sumy art Museum. N. The Onatsky

Sumy regional art Museum im. N. X. The Onatsky, located in the city of Sumy on red square, is a unique treasure trove of works of Russian and world art. The Museum is housed in an old two-story building with exquisite arched Windows, which became one of the ornaments of the Central part of the city. This mansion, which once housed the former Central city Bank, was erected in the late 19th and early 20th century local architect G. Scholz.

Regional art Museum named after N. The Onatsky was established in 1920 as a teacher, artist and community activist Nicanor the Kharitonovich ONEXIM. The Museum was founded on the basis of the private collection of Oscar Herman Hansen, whose name was in the same row with such distinguished patrons and admirers of the fine, as Kharitonenko, Tereshchenko and Khanenko. In order to save his collection from the Bolsheviks, Hansen had to remove her from Kiev to Sumy to relatives. In 1919, were found thousands of unique items, so in 1920 he appeared in the city Museum.

Today in the collections of the Sumy regional art Museum named after N. The Onatsky there are more than 15 thousand exhibits. All the Museum exposition is placed in eight halls of the old mansion. In the halls of the first floor are works of drawing, painting and sculpture, and on the second floor are masterpieces of decorative art known Ukrainian and foreign artists of the present and past centuries.

Despite the rather advanced age of both the building and the collection, art Museum. N. H. Onatsky in Sumy city remains the heart of the beautiful as such a collection of fine and decorative art can not boast of many museums of Ukraine.

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