The Church Of St. Alexander Nevsky Photo: Church Of St. Alexander Nevsky

The Church of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky is located on the island Light and Stefan was erected in the XV century. The Church was originally dedicated to the Holy virgin. To date, there left only ruins, preserved Foundation. This unique Orthodox building has experienced many historical events.

The Church walls in the eighteenth century were buried children who died during an epidemic of scarlet fever. After the earthquake of 1667, the temple was seriously damaged. Before the end of 30-ies he was left in ruins.

The Church was renamed in 1938, that is connected with the request of Maria Karadjordjevic, who just built his residence on the island the Light of Stefan. The Church was built the monastery Konak, after which the Church was to serve the Church of the Royal court. The renaming is due to the fact that the Queen Mary was in love with a Russian Prince. Patriarch Gabriel (Dozic) blessed the dedication of the temple of the Holy Prince Alexander Nevsky.

In 1959 the island was sold to a Singaporean construction company, which had planned to build on the island a giant hotel complex. In the same year the Church was partially destroyed, in its place it was possible to build a casino and terrace for dancing. In that period preserved only part of the iconostasis and the bell tower that kept the Paštrovići, members of the Montenegrin Orthodox dynasty.

Today, disputes over Church property is not over. Sightseeing is temporarily unavailable.

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