Botanical garden of Tartu University Photo: Botanical garden of Tartu University

The Botanical garden was founded in 1803 by Professor G. A. Hermann. He was its first Manager. Construction and layout of the garden was doing the head groundskeeper I. A. Weinmann. In 1811 Professor of natural Sciences K. F. Ledebour was elected Director of the Botanical garden, he faithfully performed his duties for 25 years. Thanks to his efforts and enthusiasm of the garden has grown and today it reached the size of 3, 5 ha. headstone and monuments in the Park preserve the memory of famous Botanico working for the benefit of the Botanic garden.

In front of the greenhouses is the Department of taxonomy of plants was established in 1870. This collection helps students to grasp the basics of botany, and for plant lovers is a wonderful opportunity to see rare species.

To the right of the main entrance is the garden of monocots, in which plants were placed in the region of their origin. In the collection of about 300 species of monocots, including many of bulbous and tuberous, flowering in spring and early summer.

In front of a palm greenhouse system botanist Adolf Engler planted dicotyledonous plants. For this universal-recognized system that is used by many Botanical gardens to this day, characterized by the fact that plants are presented along the line of their evolution. In this collection of about 800 species of plants. Here is how the annual and biennial crops. Among the dicotyledonous plants, you can see these unfamiliar for Estonia cultural plants like lentils, artichoke, buckwheat, flax, tobacco, and other.

Park Botanical garden is a large part of it. It is divided into 3 departments: European, North-American and East Asian. Valuable exhibit of the European part of the Park is the "thick" maple Estonia. In the East Asian Department grows old hazel and Amur velvets and different types of maple. Under tree crops growing herbaceous plants of the same natural region. By the same principle created Minnesotsky grove in North-American part of the Park.

The Park features a collection of perennial ornamental plants. On the southern slope of growing rare in Estonia, plants like Ginkgo biloba and liriodendron tulipifera. Outside the walls is a collection of irises, presents more than 60 varieties. In the other half of the garden is a large, consisting of 250 varieties, a collection of peonies. This peony garden, blooming from mid-June to late July, established in 2004.

From the river emajõgi grows a garden clematis, flowering from late July to the frosts. The colors of the collection varies from white to dark red. Species diversity of flowerbed plants changes from year to year. Every year we try to decorate flower beds new and rare species of plants. The biggest bed is located on the left side of the palm greenhouse. In the center of the garden in the valley and on the slopes of a former Bastion of Saint. George is a rock garden. Most of the plants native to the upper boundary of the forest zone and Alpine meadows.

In the Eastern corner of the garden there is a rose garden, which grows about 250 species of roses. The corner of the garden in the period of mass flowering of roses attracts visitors with its bright and varied palette of colors, and also attracts a wonderful bouquet of aromas. In the Western part of the Botanical garden presents plants Estonian flora.

In the palm-house is growing 58 species of palm trees. The oldest is 90-year-old Canary island date palm. The highest is washingtonia filiform, whose height is 20 meters. In the right corner grow bananas, underneath there is a pool in which fish and aquatic turtles. In addition, in the greenhouse live budgerigar, Nimoy and Senegalese.

In the subtropical greenhouse plants collected from all continents of the subtropical zone. There are plants from Australia, Africa, new Zealand, Japan, America and other countries. In the tropical greenhouse is represented mainly plants brought from America

In the greenhouse succulents, covering an area of 100 square meters, there are about 600 species of plants. Here are the different kinds of aloe, aonuma and jade. Also grow plants from the family of cactus and agave. The oldest and largest cactus greenhouse is Echinocactus of Gruson, popularly called "mother-in-law seat".

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