Tower-castle HLW Photo: the Tower-castle HLW

Tower-castle VAO tower in Estonia related to the locks in the style of dungeon. Supposedly, it was built in the second half of the 14th century. On the territory of Livonia at the time, the locks of this type were not uncommon. They were built in places where it is not needed serious protection. It is believed that the tower-castle HLW was built to protect land and water roads and as an Outpost in the case of peasant rebellions. After the uprising of the Yuriev night in 1343 feudal lords paid great attention to the construction of such towers. Before our times there has been only 2 such lock – VAO and Kiiu.

Tower HLW rectangular, built of local limestone. Judging by the thickness of the walls, the castle was not designed for serious military operations. Castle-bath is located on the edge of the former manor Park, near the river, which is the source of the river põltsamaa. If you count the basement, the four-storey tower. Basement vaulted.

Earlier on the ground floor in the basement was a storage room, which contained ammunition. The second floor was an Executive, on the third there were living quarters, while the fourth floor was intended for defensive purposes. In addition to the warehouses in the basement was a toilet, a room for bathing, a chapel and a fireplace, which suggests that this tower was the permanent residence of a vassal.

Since 1744, the tower became the property of family Edler von Rennenkampf. They were owners of the castle HLW until 1939.

In 1986, the tower of the castle was restored farm HLW. From 1991 to 1997 in the castle acted the Museum by private initiative Janis Tobreluts. In 1998, the castle was organized a new exhibition in collaboration with the Museum of väike Maarja. In the Museum of the tower you can learn about the history of the castle, the estate and the villages located near the estate. In addition, in the tower you can look at the photos of the process of restoration of the castle, emblems of birth, living in HLW. In addition to the above, the Museum has a lot of information about Rennenkampf, the last of the Baltic Germans, who lived in the estate in the exhibition on the ground floor.

The interior of the castle is made in the medieval spirit, in the center of the room is a table with chairs, upholstered in a hog's skin. Metal lamps, decorated with stained glass on the walls and ceiling date original Phillips lighting. On the top floor you can look at the paintings, which depicted people in medieval costumes.

There is a legend which tells that from HLW in Kiltsi leads an underground passage whose length is about 3 km away. the move Itself was not detected, however, in the 20th century on a landlord's field were allegedly found long grooves leading from the North to the South, which were covered with earth.

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Tower-castle HLW
Rakvere Castle