Bernardine Church of the virgin Mary Photo: Bernardine Church of the virgin Mary

Within the Old town in Rzeszow you can see a large temple, which now has the status of a Basilica. This is the Church of the assumption of the virgin, also popularly referred to as, Bernardine Church. This name is easily explained: the temple belonged to the Bernardine order and was near the monastery of these Holy fathers.

The story of the Church, transformed into a Basilica, amazing. The event, which served as the impetus for its construction occurred in 1513. One of the local farmers on behalf of Jakub Ados see in the picture of the trunk of a pear tree, the image of the virgin and Child. So this image was not lost on him, it was decided to erect a small wooden Church. In 1536 it was opened. This Church was used by the locals to 1610, when

The new owner of the manor Rzeszow castellan Nicholas Spitak Ligeza decided to build a new, more spacious and presentable Church. And she had to perform several functions: to serve as a place of family graves lords of Legasov and be a defensive structure. All the prerequisites in order to turn the Church of the virgin Mary in a well fortified building were: he was on the hill, which was surrounded by swamps. Therefore, the Church became part of the defensive system of the city, along with a Small local synagogue or lock.

In 1629, the Church was transferred to the Bernardine monastery.

In the interior of the temple you can see the original alabaster altarpiece, which depicts the patron Saint of the Church, and a Gothic statue of the virgin and Child, which was made master of the school of Veit Stoss.

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Bernardine Church of the virgin Mary
St. Cross