Church Of The Ascension Of The Virgin Mary Photo: Church Of The Ascension

The Church of the assumption of the virgin Mary was erected in the Gothic style in the early sixteenth century and has been preserved almost intact. This is a very strange and unusual, considering that the entire city, the Bridge was completely destroyed and rebuilt in a new location.

In 1965, this ancient temple was chosen among the other attractions of the city as a symbol of the former settlement, which must be preserved for future generations. Then he ignited a heated debate about how to proceed: to disassemble the Church stone by stone and build it in a new place, move to a new city only the most valuable elements of the interior, and the building is built of modern materials, or to move the Church, not looking. Won the last option. And in 1975 the building, which weighs 12 tons, was placed on a platform, located on specially created tracks, and at a speed of 1-3 cm per minute moved him almost a kilometer. Since then, the Church of the assumption of the virgin Mary is listed in the Guinness Book of records as the heaviest object ever moved by mankind.

As soon as the carriage of the Church took place, and commenced working on its reconstruction. The Church received a new roof and an updated bell tower, which was torn down before moving, so as to keep her there was no opportunity.

Restorers worked for several years. Eventually, in 1988, the temple was re-opened for parishioners. Its interior is characterized by simplicity and modesty. Special decorations that capture the eyes, you will not see, although many of the sculpture, placed in the temple, dated from the eighteenth century.

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