Church of the ascension Photo: Church of the ascension

The ascension Church was built in 1789 on the funds of the landlord Andrey Abakumov (according to other sources, landowner Gabriel Luchaninova).

In the late 18th century by Catherine the great for all municipal cemeteries were to be placed outside of cities. Outside the city were arranged in three cemeteries with churches in them. One of these churches was the Church of the ascension. At ascension cemetery produced burials of the parishioners of the Annunciation and Transfiguration churches, Pokrovo-St. Nicholas parish. The fence ascension Church was built by the merchant Pushkareva.

Church of the ascension had one altar in honor of the ascension. On its tower once stood four bells, the largest of which weighed 16 pounds and 15 pounds. Under the temple there were crypts. In one of the crypts buried Senator, privy councillor, knight of many orders, a participant of the war of 1812 A. I. Abakumov, who constantly gave money for the decoration and beautification of the temple. In 1827 he gave the Church a huge icon of the Apostle Andrew in silver plated frame. In 1841 Senator bequeathed to the Church 4300 rubles. In memory of this benefactor to the wall of the temple memorial plaque.

In 1840 the Church has attributed to Korsun-Bogoroditskoye the Cathedral and of their own clergy.

In Soviet times the Church was closed. For several months during the occupation he was acting.

By the end of the 20th century the Church was almost destroyed and could not be restored. But in 1999 in the temple with the blessing of Archbishop of Tver and Kashin began restoration work. In 2001, on the feast of the ascension held its first worship in the temple after many years of neglect.

Today ascension Church with the cemetery through the efforts of its rector, priest George, together with parishioners and benefactors acquire its former grandeur. The temple is the icon of St. Tikhon with the relics, which gave the Church Patriarch Alexy II. Near the Church built a beautiful Lodge.

Old ascension cemetery preserved ancient burial sites. Here are buried the brothers and parents of Patriarch Tikhon, on the tomb which was erected a chapel. Also buried here General Abakumov, Archpriest Vladimir Schukin, Dean toropetskiy County, his mother and son, the priest John of Mozrov with his family.

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