Monument to Admiral P. I. Rikord Photo: Monument to Admiral P. I. Rikord

Monument to Admiral P. I. Rikord in the form of granite blocks with marine chain and anchor set on the shore of the lake, not far from the Museum. Marine attributes look quite unusual in terrestrial Toropets. Cast-iron bas-relief portrait of Admiral and memorial inscription.

Petr Ivanovich Rikord was born in Toropets. He graduated from the naval cadet corps, which at different times was studied by such famous Russian naval commanders, Ushakov, Nakhimov, Makarov, senjavin, the writers of the seascapes in Kolbasov, Stanyukovich, Sobolev, first world Navigator Krusenstern pioneers of Antarctica Bellingshausen and Lazarev, the aeronaut Mozhaisk, etc.

P. I. Rikord in the history of the Russian fleet came in as the most peace-loving captain. Thanks to him Russia was saved from three wars. The first time it happened, when the Japanese captured Lieutenant-commander P. Golovin, the Russian envoy, commander of the sloop "Diana". P. And was a friend of Golovin and, using his great diplomatic skill, without bloodshed returned the messenger and thereby saved the country from war. This Peter Ivanovich has earned the respect of the Japanese, who even set him in Japan a monument.

The second rescue occurred in the Mediterranean sea, where Russia sent his squadron under Admiral rikord to help the Greek people against the Turkish yoke. The Admiral had the opportunity the earth to force the Turks to liberate the Greek military might of their fleet, but And did not. He could have done differently, persuading the Turks to leave the Greek land without a fight. The result saved the lives of thousands of representatives of three nationalities: Turks, Greeks and Russians. For such a feat And was elected to the National Assembly by the honourable citizen of Greece, he was even offered to become President of this country.

The third case prevent hostilities Admiral Rikord occurred in 1854, when combined Armada of Turkish, English and French fleets inclose sea boundaries of Russia. Was besieged Sevastopol on the Black sea, Arkhangelsk on the White, St. Petersburg on the Baltic. In the Pacific Kamchatka also has been an attack on Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. At this time the Admiral And directed the defense of the island and the fortress of Kronstadt – the main base of the Russian fleet in the Baltic sea, the capture of which would open the way to the Russian capital. And again to Admiral And was thus able to organize the defense that the enemy, after several unsuccessful attacks, returned.

And made a voyage around the world on the sloop "Diana" from St. Petersburg to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. There, he served as Governor of Kamchatka. Exactly when And there was the first school was held the first census, started to engage in agriculture, etc.

And he was an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences and Moscow University, the Greek archaeological society of Moscow society of naturalists. P. I. Rikord is the founder of the Russian Geographical society. His name is given: a Cape on the island of Iturup, the Strait between the Islands Chum salmon and on the Kuril Islands Kunashir island in Peter the Great Bay near Vladivostok.

Monument to Admiral Rikord in Toropets was established in 2001 in honor of the 225th anniversary of the birthday of the great Admiral. The construction of the monument was a citywide affair: with Sulikowska lake was brought and installed a granite stone. The sea anchor was provided by the House of children's creativity, students toropetskiy secondary school No. 1 were collected plates for sculpting bas-relief. The desired shape was made of cast iron enthusiasts foundry-mechanical plant. The monument was opened by a descendant of Admiral rikord, A. I. Tolmachev, candidate of technical Sciences from St. Petersburg.

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