Chapel Of The Holy. Cross Photo: Chapel Of The Holy. Cross

Chapel Of The Holy. Cross is one of the oldest Christian religious buildings in Germany, has in plan the shape of a cross, that is, repeating the image of the Shrine (the Holy sepulchre). Subsequently, this form became the most common for Christian churches. The temple is located outside the historical center of Trier, 2 km from the Market square.

Chapel founded in the early 4th century Saint equal to the apostles Queen Helena, mother of Constantine the Great, after her visit to Jerusalem. The original building has been preserved, in its place, in the early 11th century was built a new in traditional Roman style. In the silhouette of an octagonal tower rising above the center of an equal sided cross is clearly seen the influence of the Byzantine architecture of the time.

During the following centuries, the chapel of the Holy. The cross was rebuilt several times and changed its look. In the mid-17th century, the building plan was significantly changed: expanded the West wing and added a vestry in the Eastern part of the chapel. A little later the Western portal of the chapel of St. The cross was decorated with sculptures of Christ and scenes of the crucifixion.

Extensive destruction in Trier during the Second world war has not spared the chapel, she was badly damaged and was restored only in 1958. Unfortunately, many elements of the interior decoration of the 17th century in Baroque style lost forever. In 1962 the southern wing of the chapel a new parish Church. One or two times a month in the chapel of St. Cross services are held Orthodox parish in the name of the Forty martyrs of Sebaste in Trier.

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