Kapinovski the monastery of St. Nicholas Photo: Kapinovski the monastery of St. Nicholas

Kapinovski monastery is 14 km from Veliko Tarnovo and 5 km from the Velchevo. The monastery is among the monuments of art and culture since 1973. The patron of the monastery is Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker.

According to the inscription, which had existed before, instead of the modern Catholic Church here was an ancient temple, built in 1272 during the reign of Asen quiet. Other legends insist that the Church here was built in 1228 when Asen II. When the Kingdom of Tarnovo was captured by the Ottoman Empire, the monastery was burned, after which he has long been abandoned.

In the XVII century the monastery was restored by the inhabitants of the neighboring villages. As an official permission allowing you to restore the convent, believers were not, they were forced to rebuild the monastery complex at night. New buildings specially coptidis and thus the building was given an "aged" look. Subsequently, the monastery once again expected destruction and arson.

Only in the nineteenth century, resumed the reconstruction of the monastery. Since 1835 the complex has a new collegiate Church, attracting pilgrims today. Continued reconstructions followed in 1865, when the brothers Horoszowski donated Kapinovskogo the monastery of money for the construction of the residential part, made in the original architectural style. Later, the brothers became monks.

Since the nineteenth century Kapinovski the monastery became an important religious center, which operates a private school. The monks of the monastery actively participated in the struggle against Ottoman rule.

In the capital's archaeological Museum houses a unique find, brought to the Museum from the monastery: a triptych is a list of the benefactors of the monastery. From the XVIII century to our days safely left of the altar is the gate, and a carved frieze. In the monastery you can also see a variety of unique icons.

Kapinovski monastery is a working monastery, monastery. A special gathering of pilgrims is celebrated on December 6th, in the Church feast. In the monastery there is an opportunity to sleep.

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