The Constantine-Helena monastery in Leninsky Photo: Constantine-Helena monastery in Leninsky

The Constantine-Helena monastery – this is a new Greek Orthodox nuns, which is located in the village of Lenin (Appolo) in the Vyborg district, close to tourist attractions in Komarovo and Repino.

In this village of the Orthodox Church never had. Previously this area was part of Duchy of Finland, and the population professed, mainly Lutheranism. Orthodox lived in Roshchino, and where was their temple.

In 1998 in the village of Lenin established Orthodox community. For the construction of the temple was given to the place that is left of the burnt down club. The construction of the temple was carried out at the expense of the churchwarden K. V. Goloshchapov. Bookmark the Church in the name of saints Constantine and Helena took place in June 1998 and in February 1999 the temple of dome. In December 1999, eight bells were raised in the belfry. In 1999, in advent the first service was held in the temple, and since may 2000, it is constantly being divine. In 2001, the temple was consecrated by his Holiness Patriarch Alexy.

For several years the Church was a parish. In 2006. on petition of Metropolitan of St. Petersburg Vladimir at the meeting of the Holy Synod decided to open in the village of Leninsky Constantine-Helena convent. The abbess of the monastery became a nun Hilarion. The first sisters arrived from the Novodevichy convent in St. Petersburg.

Now the monastery has three churches: Church of Constantine and Helena, baptismal Church of the Nativity and the Church of St. Nicholas. The relics of St. Nicholas Church are the relics of St Nicholas the Wonderworker Spyridon Crepusculo, Anthony Dymsky, healer Panteleimon, Alexander Nevsky, St. Seraphim of Sarov. In addition to these relics are kept in the monastery of the ark with the relics of Constantine and Helena, Bartholomew the Apostle, Mary Magdalene, Hieromartyr Haralambos, St. Theodore Stratelates; student Chapter of Julitta and other saints, a particle of the Tree of the cross. Especially revered here Iveron icon of the Mother of God, which was written in Athos in 2002, the icon of the matter "Holy Queen" Athos also letters, and also the ancient way of St. Nicholas, transferred to the monastery as a gift to Vladimir Putin, the icon not made with hands the Image of the Lord Vasnetsov.

At the entrance to St. Nicholas Church there is a sculpture of Saint Nicholas, which gave the monastery W. Tsereteli. Opposite the Church of Constantine and Helena – another sculpture – the figure of St. Prince Alexander Nevsky (sculptor And.Charkin). This sculpture was nominated for the competition of the monument And. Nevsky on the square near the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. But the competition won another job. Next to the monument to Alexander Nevsky memorial plaque with the names of those killed in the battles of 1941-45 yy. and other wars of residents of the village. May 9, locals gather near the memorial, celebrated a Requiem for the dead. The monastery is a Sunday school, also built a hospice for the elderly Church and clergy. In the abode accept children from Sunday schools, pilgrims with Tronic with the blessing of their parish priests. The monastery come by prior arrangement groups of up to thirty people. Pilgrims are provided with lodging and meals.

In St. Petersburg since 2007 and is valid compound of Constantine-Helena monastery – the Cathedral of St. Andrew of Crete (Riga etc.). And recently at the temple appeared and another compound in Lintula (POS Lights, Vyborg district). Holy Trinity monastery was built at the expense of landowners Aronovich with the blessing of John Kronshtadtskogo. In 1939, during the Soviet-Finnish war it was evacuated to Finland, where he continues to exist. But now at a historic place in Lintula initiated the revival of the former monastery, is working on the development of the project of the temple and the monks quarters. August 4, 2008 to the former Lintula monastery of Constantine-Helena abode was organized ten-kilometer Procession.

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