Winchester castle Photo: Winchester castle

Castle in Winchester was built in 1067, immediately after the conquest of England by William. He was part of the defensive system of castles along the coast and around London – one day journey from London and from each other.

Unfortunately, our time has preserved only the Great hall, built in the XIII century. Its dimensions are so-called dual-cube 110 feet by 55 feet by 55 feet (approximately 33, 5 m x 16 8 m x 16, 8 m). The remaining buildings of the castle were destroyed on the orders of Cromwell after 1646. Great room is open to tourists from time to time there are concerts and exhibitions. During archaeological excavations near the Great hall were found the remains of a Round tower and part of the fortress wall.

In the Great hall contains the "Round table of king Arthur". Legends associate Winchester with the name of the legendary king, arguing that there was going to noble knights. Historians, however, are not sure that Arthur was an historical person. But that does not stop thousands of tourists come here to look at the Round table. Study of the annual rings and radiocarbon analysis dated this table XIII century, and he was painted for Henry VIII. The top is made of English oak, it has a diameter of 5.5 m, weight: 1.200 kg On edge of counter written the names of the knights of the Round table.

Behind the Great hall is the Queen Eleanor garden – copy of a medieval garden, a lovely place for walks and rest.

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