The tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang Photo: the Tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang

The tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang – the gigantic structure corresponding to the title of the First Emperor, filled with jewels, luxuries and fully lined bronze.

China was unified in 221 BC In Janom, who proclaimed himself Shi Huang di, which means "First Emperor". Despite the fact that as Emperor he ruled for only twelve years, his legacy has been preserved in the Chinese state more than two millennia.

The construction of the mausoleum where he was buried, the Emperor began in the beginning of his reign, near the capital. According to the description of the Chinese historian SIMA Qian's tomb shihuang di, the ceilings were painted constellations, drawn on the floor layout in accordance with the outline of the Empire, with all the details.

For intruders configured mechanical crossbows. Candles made from the fat walrus, which, as you know, burned for a long period of time. All workers involved in construction, buried, so that no one knew about the secrets of the tomb.

In 1974 it became known that the burial is much greater than it is described the first Chinese historian. The terracotta army was created to accompany and protect the Emperor in the afterlife. Leading to the tomb of the passages are guarded by many soldiers in full size. Cavalry war chariots drawn by horses, shades them from the flanks. Perhaps future archaeological research will increase the army of terracotta warriors four times.

The tomb of Emperor Qin Shi Huang – the most grandiose mausoleum complex in the world. The size of the underground city about 50 sq km, depth up to 120 meters. In the centre sits the mausoleum of the Emperor, and around more than 500 tombs of courtiers. The construction of the tomb lasted more than 40 years, daily worked about 700 thousand workers.

Since the beginning of his reign, Ying Zheng was absorbed in the idea of eternal life. His burial place is nothing like the continuation of his reign and after his death. After construction, buried alive were all the servants and attendants of the Emperor - only to continue to serve him in the afterlife.

The reason why the tomb of the Emperor, despite the impatience of scientists, not yet fully excavated – too high historical and cultural value structures. The research is conducted with great care.

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