The I. D. Papanin Museum in the village of Borok Photo: I. D. Papanin Museum in the village of Borok

Museum of I. D. Papanin established in 1989 in the house in which he while in Borok, lived and worked. The Museum is located on the former estate of N. And. Morozov, a famous revolutionary, where today is located the Institute of biology of Inland waters n. a. I. D. Papanin. This Institute is one of the leading divisions of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which deals with current environmental issues associated with internal reservoirs.

The Institute has been created here is not accidental. Because N. And. Morozov was not only a revolutionary leader, but also a famous scientist. Nikolay Aleksandrovich, settling in Borca, continued to conduct scientific research and widely communicated with senior scientists of his time. In 1932 he opened a "House of work and rest for the scientists. This was the starting point for an organization here in 1938 "upper-Volga base" for exploring the dynamics of wildlife and vegetation, soil processes.

Borok presented to the Institute of evolutionary morphology and transformed in "Biological station" with its own staff. In 1946. after the death of Morozov's estate went to the Hospital, and he himself was reorganized into the Research station "Borok". N. And. Morozova. In December 1951 in the sample was sent to the prestigious Commission under the chairmanship of I. D. Papanin, doctor of geographical Sciences, to determine the further fate of the Station. In 1952 it was decided to reorganize Research Biological station "Borok" in scientific basis for work aimed at the study of artificial reservoirs. The station was equipped with all necessary modern equipment, provided with necessary laboratories, fleet to conduct research activities. I. D. Papanin was temporarily appointed Director of the NIBS.

There was a rapid development and prosperity of Borca. Author and implementer of this growth was I. D. Papanin, the world famous polar Explorer, rear Admiral, doctor of geographical Sciences, holder of the nine Orders of Lenin and winner of other awards, head of marine expeditions of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He was a legend, had a strong hand, a sober mind, discipline and kindness. His life was full of adventures, exploits and creative work.

The building, which houses the Museum, was one of the first houses here "Finnish" built in the 1950s He stands in a small birch grove mansion near the laboratory building of the Institute of biology of Inland waters. This shield wooden house has retained its internal shape in the form, which was when Papanin. All things here emphasize the simplicity and modesty of the house. The Museum is 5 memorial rooms: dining room, hallway, kitchen, office, bedroom, bathroom. Here are two exposition rooms: glazed porch and the former pantry, there is also a vestibule with a porch and utility room.

On the veranda presents dobrowski period of life Papanin in the form of photos and photo. Here you can see pictures of the Civil war, and then Patriotic war, polar expeditions, working period in the Geographical society.

The Museum presents boots in which I. D. Papanin walked around the North pole, his radio and the gramophone, which gave him an enthusiastic Americans on the occasion of his return from ice floe. Visitors can see the rear Admiral jacket polar Explorer, his uniform cap and covers from his hunting rifles.

In the dining room, in which the owner received the guests a snack bar, a sofa with a muslin cover, extendable dining table, covered with a white tablecloth, chairs, two armchairs, simple paintings on the walls. It was the place of the business meeting, conducted employee interviews, sometimes quite sharp.

In the study, which served as a bedroom, you can see a written two-leg table, metal bed, covered with pique blanket, TV, radio, chairs, armchair. On the walls are two paintings, dated 1938, oil-painted and dedicated to the hero of the Arctic. On his Desk - wooden ink device that Papanin gave the inmates of the children's commune in 1934

In the kitchen – artisan kitchen furniture, gas cooker, boiler steam heating.

In the Central exhibition room tells the story of the development of the Institute of biology in documents and photographs. The hallway is a simple bedside table and a clothes hanger.

Visit the Museum visiting Borok to seminars, conferences, meetings, symposia and consultations guests. Also the Museum is interesting for foreign tourists. Often visit the Museum tour group of students coming here from different cities in the region.

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