Church Of The Epiphany Photo: Church Of The Epiphany

Church of the Epiphany was built in 1684-93 years at the expense of the Yaroslavl merchant Alexey Subcontinua. Alexey Subchannel traded leather and expensive varieties (Russian leather), belonged to the elite of the city, was buried on the territory of the monastery.

In the Church of the Epiphany three altars. The main altar is dedicated to the feast of the Epiphany. In the southern aisle, which previously served warm winter Church, the altar was consecrated in honor of the Wonderworker of Vologda - the Reverend Dmitry Prilutsky, and the North aisle was narrow and cramped and was not intended for regular parish services. He devoted the final Judgment, which is a rarity for Orthodoxy.

By construction, this Church is not like the others Yaroslavl churches, as there are no internal pillars. The first impression of wall paintings is determined by three primary colors: Golden ochre, light blue and dark cherry. Gold and blue give solemnity to the interior and, thanks to solar lighting, penetrating into the temple through the large Windows, the Church looks very elegant and festive.

The walls of the temple are divided into eight tiers, painting them tells the story of the life and teachings of Christ. Four of the lower tier is dedicated to the history of the earthly life of Christ. In the top four tiers of the wall paintings are broken Windows on the plurality of separate compositions. The final scene of the last judgment are located only on the West wall.

The iconostasis of the Church is made in traditional Russian style. In the iconostasis, there are six tiers of icons, and concludes scenic Crucifix with figures of the upcoming. All structural parts of the iconostasis is covered with Baroque carvings in the form of a large vine.

Once a year the Church of the Epiphany becomes the main Church in Yaroslavl, as next to him on the river Kotorosl arranged a special hole for the blessing of water.

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