Chain pump room Photo: chain pump room

Chain pump room in the city of Zheleznovodsk is located on the East side of mountain Iron in the middle of the Spa Park. In walking distance from drinking water source is known to the Pushkin gallery.

Water from the pump room was named after its discoverer - engineer-hydrogeologist N. N. Slavyanov, who was involved in the development and research base of the mineral waters of the town of Zheleznovodsk, ranging from 1912 to 1955 Studying the Geology of mountain Iron, engineer-geologist came to the conclusion that it is necessary to bring to the surface the healing water by deep drilling. Similar works have not previously been conducted. Place of drilling he chose source No. 4, which was designed by Jules Francois. As it turned out, the source of mineral water here was not very large, as in drilling on the usual urban sources the depth of water is also not there. But calculations N. N. Slavyanov fully justified - in the spring of 1914 vertical drill hole No. 16 (at the time the only deep drilling in Zheleznovodsk) from a depth of 120, 4 m withdrew from marls Essentuki horizon hot mineral water at a temperature of 56°C.

In 1916, the well was captively and constructed the building of the pump room Chain source. The author of the project was made by Russian architect A. M. Model. In 1917, the pump room was put into operation. Since 1918 it is called "chain". Today it is a monument of history of the resort.

The main feature of the chain of water - the presence of radon in very small quantity. In composition it is similar to water Czech resort Karlovy vary intended for drinking water treatment because it possesses healing properties.

In the Chain pump room there is a decorative open-air pavilions with racks for water supply. Unfortunately, the pump rooms in recent times do not work, water is pumped in a closed pavilion. While by itself, the area is very beautiful and unusual. Here you can make a photo for memory, read a book or simply relax in the tranquility of the Park.

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