Vorontsov Palace and Park Photo: the Vorontsov Palace and Park

The Vorontsov Palace was built between 1830 and 1848, as a summer residence of a prominent Russian statesman, Governor-General of the Novorossiysk territory of count M. S. Vorontsov. The Palace was designed by English architect Edward Blore. Architect in Alupka so not come, but he was well aware of the terrain. In addition, the foundations and first clutches of a deep niche portal the Central building were ready. To build involved hereditary masons and stone-cutters, who had experience in the construction and relief decoration of white-stone cathedrals. All work was done by hand with simple tools.

Each case is Alupka Palace resembles a certain age in British architecture - from the towers of the feudal castle of the XIV-XV centuries with their defensive walls to exquisite buildings of the main building, built in the Elizabethan style. It seems that the Palace was not built in the XIX century, and for many centuries.

The Palace begins with a wide front yard, broken in front of the North facade of the main building. The attention is attracted by two rectangular towers, resembling a knight's castles, tower clock with chimes, installed in 1841, Bay projections on either side of the main entrance, typical Tudor architecture. Indoors visitors view an introductory section of the Museum, documents, old drawings and lithographs, which acquaints with the construction of the Palace. Then pass in the front office, furnished with English furniture, bronze sculpture and portrait painting of the first half of the nineteenth century. It is the military gallery of the participants of the Patriotic war of 1812 and the family portraits of V. A. Tropinin, V. L. Borovikovsky, Dmitry Levitsky.

Nicely decorated at the Calico room with beautiful works of S. F. Shchedrin, N. G. Chernetsov, I. K. Aivazovsky, Small living room, or the Chinese Cabinet, the lobby, the Blue lounge, where in August 1863, at the invitation of the owners of the Palace were made by the great Russian actor M. S. Shchepkin with the reading of excerpts from "Dead souls" by N. In. Gogol. The transition from the Blue room in the formal dining room is the Winter garden, where among the greenery of a lot of decorative marble sculptures.

Front dining room — the largest in the Palace hall is reminiscent of the main premises of the Tudor castles: the same high ceilings, oak paneling, and a balcony for musicians. In a carved wall frame mounted four monumental paintings of the famous French artist Huber Robert. Polished diabase carved fireplaces, intricate carvings decorated with wall cupboards, original chandeliers, wall sconces.

The collection of works of Western European painting of XV—XVIII centuries is in the billiard room. One of the largest in Russia was at one time the library Vorontsov. It consisted of 25 thousand books; published in many European languages, history, geography, art, philosophy, Economics, astronomy, navigation, agriculture.

During the great Patriotic war from the Vorontsov Palace was gone part of the collection: paintings, furniture, vases. The Palace itself was not damaged — Hitler "gave" the Palace of field Marshal Manstein, and this "winner", hoping for an everlasting possession, and were concerned about its safety. And in February 1945 it housed the British delegation at the Yalta conference.

Alupka Palace surrounded by a magnificent Park, covering an area of 40 hectares. The Park was founded 140 years ago under the supervision of experienced German gardener Karl Kebah.

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