Arch Of Augustus Photo: Arch Of Augustus

Arch of Augustus, standing on the Piazza Arco d Augusto in Aosta, has long been not only one of the major tourist attractions, but also its peculiar character, against which definitely photographed all the guests of the capital of the Italian region of Val d'aosta.

Triumphal arch dedicated to the Emperor Augustus, is located immediately after the bridge over the river Buthier on the road leading into the city through the ancient Porta Pretoria. This arch is one of the extant "contemporaries" of the mighty Roman Empire, whose troops in the 25th BC defeated the tribes of salasso and at the place of their settlement founded a new colony.

An imposing structure built in the style of "late Republic" is a semi-circular arch width of about 9 meters, which is equal to the width of the road. The columns supporting its four sides decorated with Corinthian capitals. Initially, the surface of the arches and columns were covered with relief images of the Imperial trophies. Doric architrave with triglyphs and metope crowns the top of the arch, which for several centuries had Attica and commemorative inscription is visible.

In the Middle ages the Arch of August called "Saint-Woo" because of the image of Savoir, which was later replaced by a cross (the original cross is now kept in the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta). In 1716, the year to protect the monument from the water he was covered with a slate roof, and two centuries later – in 1912-13-m years – a monument was carefully restored. Then, in the early 20th century, the light extracted two huge gilded bronze letters – probably before they were part of a dedicatory inscription.

Another Roman arch of Val d'aosta, noteworthy, is located in the town of Donnas. She is on the road Consolare delle oak forest South, which was built in Roman times to link the capital of the Empire, the valley of Valle del rodano. Arch carved into the rock by a length of 221 meters. In arch height is 4 meters, the same in width, and the distance between its side walls is equal to almost three meters. In the Middle ages, this passage was closed for the night. Today, next to the arch, one can still see the ruts left by the Laden carts, and slightly away from her mile stones with the number "XXXVI", which marked the distance from the Donnas to Aosta (about 50 km).

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