The Church Of St. George Photo: Church Of St. George

The Church of St. George the great Martyr Orthodox Church is in the city of Ruse. Earlier in her place stood a wooden Church, which burned down during the Russo-Turkish war of 1806-1812 Catholic Archbishop Peter Bogdan Baksheev who visited Ruse in 1640, noted that the city has two wooden Church is probably the Church of St. George and the Church of the Holy Trinity; the archaeologist Felix kanitz believed that Church. George's older.

The construction of a new stone building began later, in 1841, and ended a year later. The solemn consecration took place on January 30, 1843, the Church dug six feet in the ground and has a size of 32 to 14 m. Inside are three altars: the Central – St. George, North Saint Dmitry Basarbovsko and South of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The iconostasis was created by Professor Ivan Travnitsky, and the icon – painter from Rousse D. Rodonovan. In 1939 the Church was built the chapel of St. Ivan Rilski.

Since 2002 may 6 – St. George's Day – an official holiday in the city of Ruse.

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The Church Of St. George
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