Regional archaeological Museum Photo: Regional archaeological Museum

Regional archaeological Museum, located in the town of Aosta on the history of the Autonomous Italian region of Val d'aosta. Perhaps his most famous exhibits are Balteo Bronze" - the bronze belt, model Augusta Pretoria, the predecessor of Aosta, and the numismatic collection Pautasso.

The building, which today houses the Museum, was built in 1633, the year. Then, when the family Challans, it was the barracks, and later the monastery Visitandine, and in the 18th century, the building acquired its present appearance. Painting of the external walls, which depict portraits of family members Challans and the cross of Savoy dynasty, were made in the 19th century. Recently, there were carried out restoration work.

Part of the Museum is underground, where the archaeological excavations on the light extracted the fragments of the ancient Roman colony of Augusta Pretoria, including the South-Eastern part of the East tower of Porta Principalis Sinistra, one of the four gates, that were used to enter the city, and a section of the earth embankment, still supporting walls of the city of Aosta.

All the exhibits are placed in chronological order. The first thing that viewers see, ancient Assyrian tablets collected by Canon Boson in search of on the banks of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. There's also exhibited anthropomorphic figurines from archaeological area of Saint-Martin-de-Korleon and interesting reconstruction of Augusta Pretoria with explanatory cards. And in the reconstruction of ancient graves can be seen items ritual funeral rites found in one of the graves of the necropolis of San Rocco. Other rooms are devoted to tombstone inscriptions and local religious cults – it is here exhibited "Balteo Bronze" and the miraculous statue of Jupiter. Christianity presents precious pulpit of the 6th century, discovered during excavations in the Cathedral of Aosta. On the upper floors of the Museum the exhibition halls, in which you can find numismatic collection Pautasso – it collected the coins from the period of Ancient Greece to the period of the reign of the Savoy dynasty. The exhibits also include Celtic, Gallic and Padua coins.

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Regional archaeological Museum
Arch Of Augustus
Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta
The Complex Of Sant'orso
Museum of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta
Roman cryptoportico