Lake Chungara Photo: Lake Chungara

Lake Chungara (Aymara CH unkara, which means "moss stone") can be compared to one of the seven wonders of the world, it is truly an amazing place.

One of the highest navigable lakes in the world situated at the altitude of 4500 meters, its area is 21, 5 sq km, the depth is 33 m. the Lake of Chungara was formed 8000 years ago when the eruption of a volcano parinacota volcano (6348 m) was release 6 cubic km of magma, which blocked the drainage system, thereby creating the lake.

To see the lake of Chungara, you can begin your journey through the valley of evil to see the Nazca valley. Pass through the village Okonchil where you can see the Church of St. Jerome, built in 1605, of limestone, with two spires, and attached later, and the cemetery of the colonial era.

At an altitude of 2000 meters grow "candelabra cacti, which are typical for this area. At an altitude of 3,000 meters can explore the archaeological site of pukara de Copaquilla (in Quechua: qupaqilla means "ashen dust"), Dating from the thirteenth century, was declared a national monument of Chile in 1983. After it is possible to look at another archaeological site - dairy farm Sapura (in the language of Aymara Jawira Zapa, which means "lonely river"), he also declared a national monument in 1983. Drop by and see the small town of Socoroma, its Adobe Church of San Francisco (32 square meters) was built in 1560. Inside the Church there is an altar of Adobe and stone, four images with crowns of silver, a large number of frescoes on the walls and ancient objects of art - for example, eagle wood, used as a candle holder.

Climbing up to the lake, you can see a panoramic view of the capital of the province of parinacota volcano. Walk through the National Park lauca, where there are various animals and birds: llama, Alpaca, vicuña, flamingos, coots, Cougar, grouse Pune, condors, etc.

From the banks of the chungara lake offers a magnificent view of the volcano parinacota volcano - ideal conditions for rest and observation of nature, combined with great relief.

On the lake are wetlands. Chungara has a unique and diverse fauna of more than 130 native species in the first place, it's flamingos and ducks. In its waters found catfish (Trichomycterus chungarensis) and carp (Orestias chungarensis), which are endemic to the chungara lake.

The climate on the coast of the lake is mountainous desert with great temperature difference per day: average day temperature of 12-20°C and from + 3°C to minus 25°C at night.

During the descent you can go to the town of putre (the capital of the province of parinacota volcano), to see its main square, the Church of the XVII century, walk down the street O'higgins, where the bridges and benches made of stone. Some houses of the town has retained its original appearance from the XVII century, doors and window sills are made of carved stone. However, currently many buildings, mostly built in the XIX century colonial architecture. If the trip will be in the month of February, you can attend a traditional festival festive carnival putre.

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