Catholic Church of the assumption Photo: Catholic Church of the assumption

At the beginning of the XVIII century Astrakhan was again referred to immediately after the cities of Moscow and St. Petersburg as the third city where a Church was built for Catholics. Written evidence about the year of Foundation of the temple no, we only know that by Capuchin monks in 1716 acquired in Astrakhan house for the purpose of expansion of the Latin school and in the same building staged a chapel. As a result of fire in 1718 the house burned down, and in its place two years later he built a new stone and placed the chapel, the Latin school and Church library. This Greek-Latin school famous stay in her future famous Russian scientist and poet V. K. Trediakovsky, as well as the visit of Tsar Peter I during a visit to Astrakhan.

In 1762, construction began on the new Church of the assumption. Seven years have been completed the main construction work and finishing work continued almost to the end of 1779. The Church was consecrated with the permission of Pope Pius II in 1778.

In 1919 the Church was nationalized and closed. During the years of Soviet power the interior has worn, damaged and building construction. The temple was returned to the Catholics only in the 90-ies of the last century. Since 2008 at the Church of the Dormition of the virgin active rehabilitation and restoration work.

The temple is a unique architectural structure for religious purposes, its architecture combines traditional Russian Church features Baroque and classicism. Many unique carved wood sculptures by Italian masters have not reached our time, but, fortunately, preserved magnificent old organ, which was repaired in preparation for the celebration of the 450th anniversary of Astrakhan. Officially, the temple refers to Astrakhan deanery of the Diocese of St. Clement with the center in Saratov.

The current Church, in addition, there are regular organ concerts.

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