Elephantine Island Photo: The Island Of Elephantine

In ancient times the island of elephantine was the place of worship of the God Homo, the Creator of mankind and the protector of the Nile spills. Ruins of the temple of Home, built in the IV century BC on the Western side of the temple you can admire the magnificent gate with the image of Ptolemy XI, praying to the God Homo. Nearby is another temple – the temple of Satet built by Queen Hatshepsut and the sacred necropolis of sheep.

On the elephantine island Aswan is a Museum, whose collection is stored the objects found during excavations in Aswan and the surrounding area. The exhibits of the Museum – from primitive prehistoric weapons to the Greco-Roman mummies – are arranged in chronological order.

South of the Aswan Museum is a nilometer. A narrow corridor with a staircase descends directly inside the waters of the Nile. On the walls are carved four scales that were determined by the water level in the river during floods and depending on this predicted future harvest.

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