The Palace-Museum of Prince Gong's mansion Photo: Palace Museum, Prince Gong's mansion

The Palace-Museum of Prince Gong's mansion on another called "the Palace of Prince Gong and is located at Beijing in Xicheng district. This Museum is included in the state Register of cultural heritage of the Republic of China. Today, the Palace houses the Museum of princely palaces, the theatre and the Park is open for tourist visits.

The Palace was built in 1776 at the behest of Emperor Calluna (Qing dynasty), the Emperor built it for his favorite – Hasana. After the death of the Emperor, Prince Hashana could be accused of embezzlement and embezzlement, so the Palace was confiscated "specific to Prince Qing" Online Isingiro. In turn, when he dismissed the Prince's grandson, Iguana, the Palace was again seized with the assistance of the interim Secretariat. Then went to the Palace Ising, who bore the title of "Grand Prince Gong. It was at that time the residence and received its current name.

The Prince's Palace in its size surpasses all other works of the time, and on a scale second only to the Emperor's Palace – the Imperial Palace. The area of the Palace more than 60,000 square meters, and the Prince Gong's mansion territory includes 30 different builds.

In order to open a Museum in Prince Gong's mansion, it took massively to buy Antiques. To date, almost lost calligraphic works, furnishings and paintings. Most of the relics and valuable items were sold abroad. Part of the exhibits was received by the Museum as a gift.

To recreate the Palace "Zeitgeist" and return it to its original guise, the staff used the materials that were stored in the library Linguascope Polytechnic University. Found the plans and maps drawn up by the architect Liang Syctom and his colleagues, much talked about internal layout of the Palace of Prince Gong's mansion. The Museum officially opened to the public since the end of August 2008.

The theater building in the Museum complex of Prince Gong's mansion is located on the East perimeter of the complex. The area is about 700 square meters. Hall accommodates 200 spectators. In this theatre performances and performances of Beijing Opera, Chinese folk circus, various important events.

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