University of Bologna Photo: University of Bologna

University of Bologna — the oldest University in Europe and one of the oldest in the world. To compete with it except maybe the University of al-Karaouine in the Moroccan city of FEZ. Among the most famous graduates of the University of Bologna — torquato tasso, Nicolaus Copernicus, Carlo Goldoni, Albrecht Durer and others.

The exact date of Foundation of the University of Bologna is unknown, but it is authentically established that already in the XI century in Bologna there was a school of liberal arts", where he taught rhetoric and Roman law. The first teacher of law was a kind, Ornery — his lectures, he began to read in 1088 at the request of the Countess Matilda, the former owner of Tuscany and parts of Lombardy.

Two centuries later, the law school in Bologna obtained a European fame, including, thanks to the patronage of the German Emperor Frederick I. When all of the students who studied Roman law, could travel freely across the continent under the protection of the Imperial authority, and to judge them could only Professor or Bishop. In those years, these benefits were a big help to increase the flow of students. In addition, immigrants from Northern Europe are attracted by the mild climate of the city and its General sophistication, and comfort. Students became not only young people, but also the respectable fathers of families, including siblings of the Royal family. A unique feature of the University and its openness for women. Thus for admission were required to confirm their knowledge and intention to learn is belonging to a noble family in the calculation were taken. The student Association itself chose their leaders who obeyed and Professor. In the XIV century at the University existed three separate faculties of law, theology and medical. But then began a period of decline that lasted until the XIX century, - the reason for that was the emergence of universities in many other cities of Italy and Europe. Seriously affected the University and during the Napoleonic wars — then even the furniture was burned warlike French!

Today the University of Bologna has not included in the top ten world Universities, however, still remains one of the most important in Europe. He maintains academic links with many educational institutions on all continents and is involved in a number of programmes for the exchange of students.

The real wealth of the Bologna University is its library, which was founded in 1605. It holds about 250 thousand books and more than 1,300 periodicals. Also pay attention to the Botanical Garden of the University - "Orto Botanico". It was founded in 1568 and is now considered one of the oldest in Europe. In the area of 2 hectares is located about 5 thousand plants of 1200 species. Here you can see the plants-succulents, imported from Central and South America, Africa, the Canary Islands and Madagascar. In a Tropical Garden grow bromeliads and orchids, coffee trees and palms, and a variety of herbs. Throughout the garden there are trees, typical of the regions of Central and southern Europe, and in addition there are plant predators and typical Alpine flora.

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