The art gallery of Tosio the Martinengo Photo: Art gallery of Tosio the Martinengo

The art gallery of Tosio of Martinengo, known as the Pinacoteca, is located in the building of the Palazzo Martinengo da Barco in Piazza Moretto in Brescia. The gallery was established in 1908, the year through the merger of two earlier collections, the heritage of count Paolo Tosio and count Francesco Leopardo of Martinengo. These collections were later added other acquisition – purchased by the gallery or bequeathed to her as well as works of art from secularized churches and demolished old buildings.

25 exhibition halls houses a collection of works, Dating from the 13th to 18th centuries, in which you can see the masterpieces that created international fame bresinsky school of painting. It is here exhibited incomparable paintings of Raffaello Sanzio and Lorenzo Lotto. Also here are numerous works by Vincenzo Foppa, the leading Lombard painter of the 15th century, and the works of the masters brescianello Renaissance – Savoldo, Romanino and Moretto.

Portraiture of the 16th century is represented by the works of Tintoretto and Sofonisba of Anguissola. In the collection of the 17th-18th centuries also exhibits paintings by some major artists from other regions, for example, Andrea Celeste and Palma the younger. Noteworthy bresinski realists – Antonio Ciprandi and Giacomo Ceruti known as Pocketto.

We cannot ignore the collection of graphic art, which even in the 18th century began to collect cardinal Angelo Maria Querini and which was greatly expanded in subsequent centuries. The most important part of it consists of approximately three thousand works that illustrate the development of print production through various techniques of engraving, etching, woodcuts and lithographs from the 15th century up to our days. It also exhibited early examples of German engraving – the work of Martin Schongauer and the almost complete collection of works by Albrecht Durer. Italian masters represented Parmigianino, Annibale and Ludovico Carracci, and Dutch – creations Luca di leida and famous masterpieces of Rembrandt. Other painters whose works can be seen in the Pinacoteca of Tosio of Martinengo, - Guido Reni, Canaletto, Tiepolo, Piranesi and Morandi.

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