Chapel-tomb Orzeszko Photo: Chapel-tomb Orzeszko

Chapel-tomb Orzeszko in Saksela is a masterpiece of neo-Gothic architecture, built in 1849, the renowned architect františek Aseldom, who built the Palace in Kossovo.

In the early nineteenth century in Saksela grandiose construction begins. They built a HOMESTEAD and winery smash a magnificent landscaped Park of 30 hectares. Owner Nicodemus Orzeszko hired for the construction of the manor house and other buildings of local craftsmen, and the tomb wanted to build one that impressed all the splendor. The idea is this is quite a success.

The history of the tomb is associated with the January national liberation uprising of 1863. The Orzeszko family supported the rebellion. Active assistance to the rebels provided the writer Eliza Orzeszko. She supplied them with food, drugs, food, valuable information. In this birth the chapel some time hid one of the leaders of the rebels Romuald Traugutt. Soon, the revolt was suppressed, the leaders arrested, began rounding up the other members.

Despite what is now a magnificent chapel is in poor condition, the facade was preserved two cast iron shield with the arms of the two branches of the family Orzeszko. Inside there is a magnificent marble altar. Under the chapel – crypt-tomb, where once rested the ashes of the representatives of the ancient family Orzeszko. Lace rib once made a set of delicate and easy. Now we can only guess how great was this chapel in her heyday. If not taken measures for the conservation and restoration of this monument of architecture, unfortunately, soon it finally collapses. Already, at the chapel hang warning of a possible collapse of the posters.

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