Holy resurrection Cathedral Photo: Holy resurrection Cathedral

Brest resurrection Cathedral-a monument in honor of the great Victory was laid in 1992 and was erected to celebrate the 50th anniversary since the Victory in the great Patriotic war. The initiator of the construction of the Cathedral was Archpriest Eugene Parfenyuk is one of the oldest clergymen of the Belarusian Exarchate, a veteran of the great Patriotic war.

The construction of the resurrection Cathedral was conducted by the project group architects Institute "Postgraduaat" the money raised by parishioners. Construction led the construction management organization "Bestsellera".

The Cathedral consists of the upper Church of the Resurrection, the lower Church in honor of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God and the Church. The first worship service in a Church still under construction took place in 1995 at the Annunciation. Fully completed Cathedral was consecrated by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II on 24 June 2001.

The temple is the ancient Bogolyubsky icon of the Mother of God. The bell Church is a 400-pound bell. Near the temple is broken oak alley.

In the building of the bell tower is a Museum of victims of the great Patriotic War and glory soldiers-winners over the German-fascist invaders. The Church has the Sisterhood in honor of the Kazan icon of the Mother of God, engaged, compassionate assistance to those in need. When the Church of the resurrection is also a Sunday school for children engaged in the spiritual education of children. The school has organized four classes.

On 23 September 2003, Brest the resurrection Cathedral was given the status of a spiritual historical and cultural values of Belarus.

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