The Millennium Monument Of Brest Photo: The Millennium Monument Of Brest

The Millennium monument of Brest was established in 2009, despite the fact that 1000 years Brest will be fulfilled only in 2019. The monument was built by voluntary donations of citizens and means of the city. The authors - sculptor Alexey pawluczuk and architect Alexey andreyuk.

The total height of the monument is 15 meters. It is crowned by a statue of blessing Guardian angel, facing in the direction of the Brest fortress, which once began the ancient city of Berestye. Initially wanted to install a statue of the virgin Mary, but in a multi-religious city are unable to agree on a canonical image of the Mother of God, acceptable to believers of all faiths.

Blessed angel wings are legendary figures historical figures and allegorical image of the Mother, the Chronicler and the Nameless Soldier.

Volyn Prince Vladimir Vasilkovich holds Brest the tower – the tower of the donjon, built in 1276-88, and Hypatian chronicle in which Brest was first mentioned. Grand Duke of Lithuania Vytautas crowned and holding a sword – a symbol of greatness and invincibility, which is famous Brest land. Educator Nicholas Radziwill the Black holding a Bible that had been printed in his decree. The figure of the Mother symbolizes FILIAL love the Brest of the people to their land. The chronicler represents 1000 years of history of the city, and a Nameless soldier – one of those defenders who defended Brest from the enemy during the great Patriotic war.

In 2011 the monument have established a high relief (sculpture, in which a convex image extends above the plane of the background more than half of the volume), six episodes depicting the history of Brest. The first episode of the legend about the Foundation of Brest was Traveling merchant and get stuck in the swamp. And in order to get out of it, ordered his servants to lay a hat made of birch bark, the second is the construction of the city, the third battle of Grunwald, fourth printing history of the Brest Bible, fifth – heroic defense of the Brest fortress, the sixth – the development of the Belarusians of the cosmos (among the pioneers of space was a Belarusian Petr Klimuk).

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