The sign Photo: Mark the "Zero kilometer"

The kilometre zero of Brest is the place where begins the mileage of the roads of Brest region.

After the third partition of Poland, Russia inherited the former Polish cities and villages, United untended broken roads. Poland only on paper belonged to the Russian Empire, in fact, she remained restless, untamed and unsettled country, where the infrastructure was in poor condition. To rule and subdue, were serviceable roads and regular passenger service with all the newly acquired provinces.

It was necessary not only to put in order roads, but also organize the transport network. To do this, miles of roads were numbered from the centre province. In many cities were set to zero milestones. Was set a pole zero miles and in Brest.

In the early 1990s the young Republic of Belarus, following the example of the Empress Catherine II, has streamlined its network of roads, had a repair and reconstruction of the transport system, have been newly installed bollards zero kilometers in the largest cities of Belarus.

In Brest kilometre zero is located opposite the Holy cross Church on the square of Lenin. It is a typical Imperial Russia verst column, which depicts the emblem of the city, and on the basis of written distances to cities in Belarus.

If a milestone is always a lot of tourists who love to be photographed on the background of the sights of Brest and to find the distance to your city, written on the base of a column.

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