Monument El Sid Photo: The Monument To El Sid

On one of the squares of Burgos is a monument to Spanish national hero, the legendary knight El sid Kampeadorom. The real name of the hero who was born in 1041 year was Rodrigo Diaz de Vivar. El CID was one of the main characters in the wars during the Reconquista, novels written about him, he dedicated songs, legends and poetry. That was originally at the court of the Castilian kings, El CID is known for its numerous victories in the battles against the Moorish invaders. Fearless and reckless man, exiled from the service of the king of Castile Alfonso, he fought on the side of the Emir, the ruling on the territory of Zaragoza, then again moved to the side of the Castilian ruler. In 1086 he joined the struggle of the Arab emirs for Valencia and soon conquered and subdued the entire territory of the province, making Valencia a private residence. For many gained victories El CID was nicknamed the Kampeadorom – Winner.

Monument El sid was made of bronze by the sculptor Juan Cristobal Gonzalez in 1933. The monument is a figure of the hero, riding on a horse and pointing forward with a drawn sword in his side, where his life was dominated by Arab conquerors. The monument is decorated with two engraved inscriptions, one of which praises the courage of a hero and the other States on the date of his death, which was a great loss for the whole of the Spanish people.

The area in which the monument was renamed in the middle of the last century from Plaza San Pablo in the Plaza del Mio CID – Square "my Sid".

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