Pitkyaranta Museum of local history Photo: Pitkyaranta Museum of local history

Pitkyaranta Museum of local history was founded in 1969, largely due to the activity of the soldier and school teacher Vasily Fedorovich Sabin. Since 1965 the founder of the Museum in the "Red pathfinders" collected historical documentation and material on military subjects. The Museum of military glory – that such a status was granted to the Museum at opening, and its first head was Vasily Fedorovich Cabin. In 1991, the Museum officially became the local history.

There is a Museum in the town of pitkäranta, in a historic building, which is over 90 years old. The building, formerly belonging to the pharmacist Valdano, today is an architectural monument. When the building was used by Finnish style fundamentalism. The building itself forms a kind of ring with two stair descents, over which was erected a large balcony with beautiful carved balustrade. During the great Patriotic war the building housed the Finnish headquarters, which led to almost complete destruction of the building by the end of the war.

The main exhibitions of modern pitkäranta of the Museum consist of the following sections:
- "The winter war". On the tour you can see the panorama of hostilities 1939-1940, photos of participants, as well as weapons and other military items;
- The "great Patriotic war". This exposition is dedicated to the liberation from the invaders of the city, too. It also provides information about the first leader and the founder of the Museum, military documents, diagrams and maps of the fighting, personal belongings of participants of the war;
- "Heroes of our day. The exhibition is dedicated to the fallen heroes of the wars in Afghanistan and Chechnya;
- "The natural world Ladoga". You will learn about the flora and fauna of the area;
- "The history of the plant – the history of a town. Dedicated tour of the history of construction and development Pitkäranta mines and mining plants;
- "Ordinary miracle long beach". The exhibition presents the works of masters of folk art: embroidery, woodcarving, jewelry trays and bark.
And such exposure as: "House", "Runes of Kalevala through the eyes of children", "Doll - Bereginya", "legends of the Pitkäranta stones".

Since 2009, the Museum implemented a historic project, "the ancient house". According to the plan of employees, ordinary Museum should become an open air exhibition in the Museum-estate. The uniqueness of the project lies in the fact that the HOMESTEAD area will be reconstructed according to the available photographs and documents, achieving full recovery still lovely types. Earlier on the land grew a magnificent Apple orchard, under the shade of which stood a gazebo and benches. And in the Park area were built flower terraces and flower beds, the plants from which wintered in a warm greenhouse at home. Part of this splendor has been preserved to our days.

The house is surrounded by age-old pine trees, one of which got the battle shell, razvoju crown of the tree. "Tree Wars" as an eternal reminder to the descendants of old time, will take its place in this exhibition. Large clearings adjacent sides of the building, survived only a few Apple trees from the once magnificent garden.

On the draft restored in the Park will be constructed rock Garden, which in the future will be a continuation of the existing Museum exhibition "legends of the Pitkäranta stones". On a side Polian will build a Playground made of natural materials. The second one is equipped for the holding of fairs and exhibitions of folk art under the open sky. They return to the place and benches with a gazebo for relaxing during walks, with time to grow and Apple orchard.

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Pitkyaranta Museum of local history