Arena Plaza de Toros Photo: arena Plaza de Toros

Those who love the thrill of the taste will have such a cult place in Cancun, arena Plaza de Toros. Once a week in the Arena colourful fascinating show. Of course, you guessed that we are talking about an integral part of Mexican history - the legendary bullfighting. In Mexico, bullfighting caught five centuries ago, in the days of hernán cortés, the first Mexican Torero.

Before the arena for fights with bulls were rectangular, but when the bulls began to hide in the corners, it was decided to build a circular platform. Now all arenas, including Cancun and Plaza de Toros, reminiscent of a circus area with seats placed in a circle. Area for fighting, covered with sand and separated from the spectators by a five-foot barrier and the quarters for the workers of the arena.

Arena Plaza de Toros is situated on the Central town square at the intersection of Boulevard Kukulkan street and Bonampak. If you want to get fascinating action - fighting bullfighters with the bulls, you need to come here on Wednesday. Battle starts at 15.30, and the ticket will cost you 400 pesos. Every time he is accompanied by dancing cowboys-churros, which were put into use famous hats-sombreros.

Viewers wishing to try yourself as a Matador, have the opportunity to enter the arena against a bull, only much inferior in size to the person against whom professionally trained bullfighters. The genuine battle occurs later, when the fight becomes huge and fierce 500-kilogram bull to die at the end of the show.

Other days are possible to see various concerts and performances.

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