The Church Of San Biagio Photo: The Church Of San Biagio

The Church of San Biagio, also known as Santa Agata Alla Fornace, located on the Western end of Piazza Stesicoro Catania. The Church was built in the 18th century after the devastating earthquake of 1693. She stands on the very spot where, according to legend, there was a furnace in which the Saint Agatha, the patron Saint of the city, was martyred for his faith. Girl first for a long time was confined in prison for refusing to betray the faith of Christ, then it was subjected to brutal torture by fire, and finally cut off her Breasts.

The facade of the Church of San Biagio is the creation of architect Antonio Battaglia, who designed many other churches of Catania after the natural disaster of the late 17th century. It is made in the neoclassical style with paired columns supporting a triangular tympanum. Inside the Church consists of a single nave with clear and clean lines. Above the main altar is placed the canvas of the 18th century with the image of our lady of sorrows, which is sometimes replaced by a statue of the Madonna. The altar itself is artfully decorated with scrollwork, columns and statues of saints John the Evangelist and Mary Magdalene.

The chapel to the right of the transept is dedicated to St Agatha. Under the altar in the small box are stored the remains of the kiln in which the Saint was martyred. In 1938 this episode in the life of Agatha depicted on the mural Giuseppe Barone.

The chapel of the left transept is dedicated to the Crucifixion. One of the side altars consecrated in honor of Saint Blaise, whose name is the Church (San Biagio in Italian). His image can be seen on the picture of the work of a local artist. Other altars are decorated with contemporary works of Sicilian artists depicting the Holy Family, St. Andrew and Holy-Martyr John of Nepomuk.

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