Theme Park Photo: Theme Park "Portugal for kids"

Theme Park "Portugal for kids" in Coimbra is located on the left Bank of the Mondego river and is one of the most interesting and favorite places to stay, not only children but also adults.

The opening of the Park took place on 8 June 1940, but completely the Park was completed in the end of 50-ies. The founder of the Park – Professor Bisaya Barrett, the design of the Park dealt with the architect Cassiano Branco. Since 1959, the Park belongs to the Fund Bisaya Barrett.

The Park is divided into three zones and talks about the Portuguese since colonial times. The first zone is designed for toddlers and the other for older children. The first area in the thumbnail shows the kids the typical houses that were built in the cities and villages of Portugal. In the second zone shows the most important historical monuments of Portugal. The third area talks about the former colonies of Portugal: Africa, Brazil, India, East Timor and Macau. You can learn about the lives of people in these countries, their culture, traditions, and also to go inside houses, typical of these countries.

In the Park there is a Museum. It will be interesting to visit the Museum of national costume, which opened in 1997. Around 300 exhibits of the Museum tell and show the evolution of the national costume of Portugal for centuries. The naval Museum was opened in 1998, the exhibits include boats, ships, fishing and cargo vessel, guard and military ships, marine equipment. In the same way children will be able to map to trace the path, which was followed by the great Portuguese explorers such as Vasco da Gama and others. Furniture Museum was opened in 2000; here you can see various items of the national furniture. Some are made of exotic trees, decorated with mosaics.

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