Kalevala Museum of rune-singers Photo: Kalevala Museum of rune-singers

Visiting Karelia, this beautiful land of fairy forests and lakes, you can't pass up such a unique culture Museum of Northern peoples as Kalevala Museum of rune-singers. Rune-singing tradition has glorified this land from ancient times to the present day, and now you can still hear the epic, wedding songs, lullabies in the mouth of the old-timers. There is even a national holiday Day of the national epic Kalevala, as a monument of the Karelo-Finnish culture, celebrated on February 28.

Runes (from Finnish runo — rune) — songs of Finno-Ugric peoples, their source is a mythical epic of creation. Karelian folk runes were treated to an extensive poem from 50 songs collector of folklore Finnish doctor-scientist Elias". They were collected from separate folk songs, processed and combined into a publication called the Kalevala. The first edition was published in 1835. "Kalevala" is the name of a mythological country, where live the epic heroes of the Northern territory, it comes from the name of a hero Kalev.

In the village of Kalevala (formerly called Ukhta) according to the legend preserved pine under which he worked as a scientist. Ibid. was established in 1984, the Museum of rune-singers. Now it is part of the ethno-cultural center KALEVALATALO, is a municipal institution and opened a unique exhibition telling the ethnic epic Karelo-Finnish peoples.

Usually performers runes were storytellers from ordinary people, they sang runes in one voice or two voices alternately, often accompanied by playing the Kantele. That is why the Museum is in an old house of folklore story-teller Mary a Remsha.

The Museum presents the original narrators and subjects the inhabitants of this land, only about 300 exhibits. But the main value of the Museum is collected ancient runes. Here you can hear them performed by the national choir. Also available with other types of ancient oral folklore: incantations, laments, age.

Near the Museum of rune-singers is associated in the sense of the Museum of printing. It consists of several departments, which are preserved in machines for the manufacture of printed products with manual set. Museum represents the value and the surviving fonts in Finnish language for manual dialing. There are guided tours showing the old printing process, according to a previously filed application, as the machines before this power, warm up.

Since 2006, the Museum uses modern multimedia technologies that allow you to zoom in, to live to show the beauty of ancient epic: songs, tales, laments. This project is called "Runes leisurely tale". Also included in the program of various materials on the history of the discoveries of travelers Karelia in the 19th century, maps of explorers of the white sea region.

Themes discover the house-Museum of rune-singers are very diverse. Here you can book excursions on the theme: "Okay cut down dwelling, neat house set", "rune-singing tradition of Kalevala region", "Wife really ready, your duck dressed", "Kalevala" alive", "Elias lönnrot - life and work", "Travel Lonnrot", "Traditional occupations of North Karelia and others. A sightseeing tour of the village are held on the transport of tourists on all days of the week, in the bright daylight. Trip organised to visit and hear a lot of interest not only in the Museum of rune-singers, but in the homes of the storytellers, to see pine Lonnrot, barn Amanina, to visit the home of the engineer Moberg.

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Kalevala Museum of rune-singers